02/09/2011 by Charles Mosteller The cybernetic intelligence known as Omega the Life Destroyer is thought to have created all Death Globes currently known to
Month: January 2023

02/10/2011 by Charles Mosteller Browsing through issue # 40 (January/February 1990) of Paper Mayhem magazine, I happened upon a half-page article authored by C.A.

02/10/2011 by Charles Mosteller “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison He didn’t. Or, at least, he hasn’t. Not yet,

02/11/2011 by Charles Mosteller I decided, this morning, that I would try to join the Yahoo group for London en Garde! Oh, what a

02/20/2011 by Charles Mosteller PBM companies sat on a wall, Play By Mail gaming had a great fall. PBM players and PBM kin Couldn’t

02/10/2011 by Charles Mosteller It’s a thankless task, but somebody’s got to do it, I suppose. Then again, maybe somebody’s already done it, but

01/07/2011 by Charles Mosteller GrimFinger 08-06-2010, 02:53 AM Through out the eons, the Masters of Shadow have been involved in many of the great

03/06/2011 by Charles Mosteller As I sit here in my Fortress of Solitude, safe from the crazed masses of play by mail gamers who,

03/17/2011 by Charles Mosteller SuperNova had a lot of StarMaster in it. It was a computer assisted game rather than computer moderated. We still