The Turn Input Sheet

From PlayByMail.Net PBM Wiki

The Turn Input Sheet is a simple form which the players use in order to relay their commands to ENLIGHTENED AGE. Players should pay close attention to detail when completing this form. In the second part of these rules the exact information required on the Turn Input Sheet for each order is explained. Players must be precise in completing the Turn Input Sheet. For example, if the Westmen King wishes to move his 4th Westmen group using Order #720 and the order calls for the Group I.D. # to be placed in Column A, the player must place 4WE in the column, not 4th Westmen.

The sequence in which a player lists his orders on the Turn Input Sheet is of no significance, other than that orders listed in excess of those allowed due to the level of the king's influence will be ignored. Orders are processed in the sequence listed in the SEQUENCE OF EVENTS section of the rules, ie, by Order #.