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From PlayByMail.Net PBM Wiki
(PBM companies)
(PBM companies)
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#[[Aleator Games]]
#[[Aleator Games]]
#[[Allen Kimball]]
#[[Allen Kimball]]
#[[Alternate Realms]]
#[[AMM Enterprises]]
#[[AMM Enterprises]]
#[[Anarchy By Mail]]
#[[Anarchy By Mail]]
#[[Andon Games]]
#[[Andon Games]]
#[[Archmage Games]]
#[[Archmage Games]]
#[[Arden Enterprises]]
#[[Arden Enterprises]]
#[[Ares Games]]
#[[Argus Adventure Simulations]]
#[[Ark Royal Games]]
#[[Ark Royal Games]]
#[[Armageddon Games]]
#[[Armageddon Games]]
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#[[Chain Mail Games]]
#[[Chain Mail Games]]
#[[Chameleon Games]]
#[[Chameleon Games]]
#[[Charles Bennett]]
#[[Circle Games]]
#[[Circle Games]]
#[[ChoZen FroZen Games]]
#[[ChoZen FroZen Games]]
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#[[Compu-Caper Gaming]]
#[[Compu-Caper Gaming]]
#[[Conflict Interaction Assoc.]]
#[[Conflict Interaction Assoc.]]
#[[Combat Enterprises]]
#[[Conquest Games]]
#[[Conquest Games]]
#[[Constantine Xanthos]]
#[[Constantine Xanthos]]
#[[Cosmos Creations]]
#[[Create A World, Inc.]]
#[[Create A World, Inc.]]
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#[[Desert P.B.M.]]
#[[Desert P.B.M.]]
#[[DFS Productions]]
#[[DFS Productions]]
#[[Dragon Games]]
#[[Dragon Games]]
#[[Dragon Byte]]
#[[Dragon Byte]]
#[[DVS Productions]]
#[[Dymar Enterprises]]
#[[Dymar Enterprises]]
#[[Dynamic Games]]
#[[Dynamic Games]]
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#[[Marguerite Dias]]
#[[Marguerite Dias]]
#[[Marguerite Hoang]]
#[[Marguerite Hoang]]
#[[Megalith Games]]
#[[Megalith Games]]
#[[Mercury Games]]
#[[Mercury Games]]
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#[[Sevenstar Games]]
#[[Sevenstar Games]]
#[[Shadow Island Games]]
#[[Shadow Island Games]]
#[[Silvius & Berchtold]]
#[[Simcoarum Systems]]
#[[Simcoarum Systems]]
#[[Sinbad's Games]]
#[[Sinbad's Games]]
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#[[Twin Engine Gaming]]
#[[Twin Engine Gaming]]
#[[Undying King Games]]
#[[Undying King Games]]
#[[Union West]]
#[[Vigard Simulations]]
#[[Vigard Simulations]]
#[[Village Computer Games]]
#[[Village Computer Games]]

Revision as of 22:59, 3 December 2011

Welcome to PlayByMail.Net's PBM Wiki!

Definition of PBM

Galactic Prisoners was a computer-moderated, open-ended, futuristic game that featured an alien race, the Nibor, destroyed all humans, except for a very few who were placed on a planet to be studied by Nibor observers. The player played the role of a human captain of an All Terrain vehicle (ATV), who was given a crew of 100 human prisoners by the Nibor. As the captain, it was the responsibility of the player to provide his or her crew with survival.

So, what - exactly - is PBM?

PBM is an acronym, one that stands for Play By Mail. It is a reference to a genre of gaming that was - and still is - played through the postal system, which, in the United States of America, is the United States Postal Service.

Whether one says PBM, PBM games, PBM gaming, play by mail, play-by-mail, postal games, postal gaming, play by post, correspondence games, or correspondence gaming, they are all variations on the exact, same thing.

Later (as in newer or more recent) variations on the core genre that is postal gaming have manifested themselves as PBeM (play by e-mail), PBM (play by web - as in the World Wide Web), PBI (play by Internet), TBG (turn based gaming), and even BBG (browser based games).

During its course of existence, play by mail gaming has been covered by a wide variety of sources, and this genre of gaming (which many view to be classic gaming at its very finest, providing a form of quality gaming entertainment still unrivaled in terms of the overall gaming experience that the player has), is still alive and popular with many gaming enthusiasts and gaming adherents, whose interests in gaming entertainment run the gamut from RPGs (role playing games) to wargaming.

Included within this broad range of coverage of the PBM hobby and of the commercial PBM industry were numerous magazines dedicated specifically or largely to coverage of play by mail gaming. Published titles such Nuts & Bolts, Paper Mayhem, PBM Universal, Gaming Universal, Flagship, American Flagship, Campaigner's Newsletter, American Gamer, The PBM Report, Simulacrum, and PBM Worm covered every aspect of PBM gaming, delivering a cornucopia of PBM news to a gaming public thirsting for details of an ever-changing PBM scene.

Within the genre, postal games covered an exceptionally broad portion of the entire gaming spectrum. Space conquest games, fantasy role playing games, and hardcore wargames that would make any grognard proud are but a few of the many popular categories of games that fell under - and to this day are still encompassed by - PBM gaming.

Play by mail gaming shares many similarities with board gaming, as well, the turn based aspect a signature feature of many PBM games. Unlike many modern-day massively multiplayer online games of various types, postal games tended - and still tend - to deliver a more personalized gaming experience, one that did not leave the player lost in a tsunami of player pools that number in the millions, for some of the more heavily populated massively multiplayer online games, particularly where MMORPGs of note are concerned.

Hyborian War wall map showing land provinces, coastal provinces, and sea zones.

Combining a beer & pretzels sort of appeal with a community of both commercial and non-commercial game moderators, PBM left an indelible mark upon the history of gaming. Rich gaming experiences that were unique to postal gaming helped elevate the hobby and the industry to such a place in the public eye that good old correspondence gaming soon carved out a place for itself in the pantheon of gaming genres.

As with many different sectors of the gaming industry at large, PBM has endured its share of periods where the industry would consolidate. Rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, though, play by mail gaming continues to thrive heading into the second decade of the Twenty-First Century. Numerous groups of hardcore PBM gamers can be easily located on the Internet, today, with new industry champions joining PBM's venerated Old Guard in celebrating play by mail gaming in the modern era.

Both nostalgia and a desire to return to the roots of what a true, honest-to-God multi-player gaming experience should be like, are helping to create a Renaissance of the core postal gaming experience for new generations of gaming enthusiasts, even as more and more PBM old timers find themselves returning to the play by mail fold. The resulting diversity can only benefit PBM gaming, as the PBM hobby and the PBM industry chart a new path into the future.

Whether a player's turn results are delivered to him or to her in a paper envelope, or in one of a variety of different electronic equivalents, the PBM experience continues to act as a catalyst for positive change within the gaming industry at large. In this way, PBM continues to push the gaming envelope, after all these many years.

Other definitions of PBM

PBM Associations

PBM companies

This is a list of Play-By-Mail companies and individuals that have run PBM games, over the years. Some of these companies and their games are still up and running, today. Many of them, unfortunately, have fallen defunct with the passage of time.

  1. 4 Sight
  2. 7th Dimension Gaming
  3. Acheron Simulations
  4. Advanced Gaming Enterprises
  5. Advent Games
  6. Adventure Simulation Games
  7. Adventures By Mail
  8. Agema
  9. Agents of Gaming
  10. Aggressive Addiction Games
  11. Aleator Games
  12. Allen Kimball
  13. Alternate Realms
  14. AMM Enterprises
  15. Anarchy By Mail
  16. Andon Games
  17. Apocalypse
  18. Archmage Games
  19. Arden Enterprises
  20. Ares Games
  21. Argus Adventure Simulations
  22. Ark Royal Games
  23. Armageddon Games
  24. Athena's Avatar
  25. Australian Wizard PBM
  26. Balrog Adventures
  27. Bard Interactive Games, Inc.
  28. Baron's Regime
  29. Battle-Magic Gaming
  30. Bill Paspaliaris
  31. Bill Wood
  32. Bizarre Play By Mail
  33. Blue Panther Enterprises
  34. Bob Stribula
  35. Bronze Star Games
  36. C2 Simulations
  37. C-T Simulations
  38. Capitol Consulting/VRL, Inc.
  39. Centurion Game Company
  40. Chain Mail Games
  41. Chameleon Games
  42. Charles Bennett
  43. Circle Games
  44. ChoZen FroZen Games
  45. Classified Information
  46. Clemens & Associates
  47. Cobra Games
  48. Coconut Council, Inc.
  49. Compu-Caper Gaming
  50. Conflict Interaction Assoc.
  51. Combat Enterprises
  52. Conquest Games
  53. Constantine Xanthos
  54. Cosmos Creations
  55. Crasiworld
  56. Create A World, Inc.
  57. Creative Games
  58. Creative Management Services
  59. Creative Simulations
  60. Cutting Edge Games
  61. Cyborg Games
  62. Cyclops Gaming
  63. Damien Games
  64. Daredevil
  65. Dark Magus Productions
  66. Daurada Games
  67. Delta Games PBM
  68. Deltax Gaming
  69. Desert P.B.M.
  70. DFS Productions
  71. DPI
  72. Dragon Games
  73. Dragon Byte
  74. DVS Productions
  75. Dymar Enterprises
  76. Dynamic Games
  77. E-Mail Games
  78. Earnshaw Enterprises
  79. Ebonrock Enterprises
  80. Eckert Gaming Group
  81. Eclipse Consulting, Inc.
  82. Ed Bailey
  83. Empire Games, Inc.
  84. Emprise Game Systems
  85. Enchanted Horizons
  86. Entertainment Plus More, Inc.
  87. Essentially Racing
  88. Ethereal Edge Enterprises
  89. Fantastic Simulations
  90. Fantasy & Futuristic Simulations
  91. Fantasy Workshop
  92. Fields of Nephlim
  93. Final Frontiers
  94. Flying Buffalo, Inc.
  95. Flying Dutchman Games
  96. Fractal Dimensions
  97. Frank Pompillio
  98. Frontier Games
  99. Full Moon Gaming
  100. Furypost Games
  101. GAD Games
  102. Galactic Empires
  103. Galactic Simulations
  104. Galactic Society Four
  105. Game Systems, Inc.
  106. Gamemasters Publishers Assoc.
  107. Gamer's Den
  108. Gamers Guild
  109. Games By Mail
  110. Games Heaven
  111. Games Without Frontiers
  112. Gator Concepts
  113. Gem Games
  114. Gemini Systems, Inc.
  115. Genesis Games Design
  116. Graaf Simulations
  117. Grandel, Inc.
  118. Grenade Games
  119. Half Time PBM Football
  120. Harlequin Games
  121. Harold Kercher
  122. HCS Games
  123. Head Games
  124. HFR Games
  125. High Point Games
  126. Horizon Games
  127. Huscarl Hobbies
  128. ICBM
  129. Imagery
  130. ImagiCom, Inc.
  131. Imagination Unlimited
  132. Imperial Games
  133. Incubus Designs
  134. Infinite Odysseys
  135. Inner Dimension Games
  136. Interesting Times
  137. Intergalactic Games
  138. International Software
  139. Irondragon Enterprises
  140. Jason Oates Games
  141. Jeff Perkins
  142. JFH Games
  143. Jolly Goblin Games
  144. Kage Interactive
  145. Karl Zeimetz
  146. Keith Langley
  147. Kelem Games
  148. Kelstar Enterprises
  149. Keys of Bled
  150. Kingdoms of Telgard
  151. Kings
  152. Kings Guild, Inc.
  153. KJC Games
  154. KSK Concepts
  155. L & L Activities
  156. LAMA
  157. Leisure Time Unlimited
  158. Lightning Games
  159. Lucky Llama Games
  160. Madhouse UK
  161. Madhouse Australia
  162. Maelstrom Games
  163. Mailed Gauntlets
  164. Marguerite Dias
  165. Marguerite Hoang
  166. Matteson
  167. Megalith Games
  168. Mercury Games
  169. Mialdian Press
  170. Micro Software Design
  171. Midgard USA, Inc.
  172. Midnight Games
  173. Midnight Sun Games
  174. Mindgate
  175. Mindless Games
  176. MindShift Design LLC
  177. Mitregames
  178. Monastic Software
  179. Nevanis Games, Inc.
  180. Nevaris Games, Inc.
  181. Northwest Simulations
  182. Nostromo Games
  183. Nova Games
  184. Octagon
  185. On-Paper Baseball
  186. Opcon Games
  187. Orpheus Publishing Corp.
  188. Outremer Games
  189. Pagoda Games
  190. Palace Simulations
  191. Paper Tigers
  192. Paspa Games
  193. Patrick Price
  194. PBM Adventures
  195. PBM Enterprises
  196. PBM Express
  197. Pegasus Productions
  198. Perseus Arm Enterprises
  199. Peter Mackay
  200. Pfodd Enterprises
  201. Piranha Games
  202. Phildee Enterprises
  203. Play By Electron Games
  204. Play By Mail Sports
  205. Post-It Games
  206. Prime Time Simulations
  207. Psi-Decay Games
  208. Quail Canyon Systems
  209. Quest Games, Inc.
  210. Rampage Games
  211. Randy Gillette
  212. Reality Simulations, Inc.
  213. Rebel Enterprises
  214. Rebel Games
  215. Red Talon Gaming
  216. Rolling Thunder Games
  217. Roma Games
  218. Round Table
  219. Roy C. Rae
  220. Sandgroper PBM
  221. Sar-A-Kan Games
  222. Sardarthion Press
  223. Saul Betesh
  224. Sceptre Roleplaying
  225. Schubel & Son, Inc.
  226. Scoresheet Sports
  227. Scott Bowyer
  228. Sevenstar Games
  229. Shadow Island Games
  230. Silvius & Berchtold
  231. Simcoarum Systems
  232. Sinbad's Games
  233. Sloth Enterprises
  234. Slow Motion Games, Inc.
  235. Soccer By Mail
  236. Soccer Star
  237. Spellbinder Games
  238. Spyder Games
  239. Starlord
  240. State of Mind Games
  241. Steve M. White
  242. Strategic Fantasy Games of Australia
  243. Sudden Asylum
  244. Superior Simulations
  245. Supernova Games
  246. Synchronicity, Inc.
  247. Terry Crook
  248. The Barons Australian Midgard
  249. The Dukes of Hell
  250. The Game Anvil
  251. The PBM Locomotive Srl
  252. Throne Enterprises LLC
  253. Time Patterns PBM Games
  254. Time Space Simulations
  255. Total Simulations, Inc.
  256. Treesahran Industries
  257. Triad Simulations
  258. TribeNet
  259. Tudor Games
  260. Twin Engine Gaming
  261. Undying King Games
  262. Union West
  263. Vigard Simulations
  264. Village Computer Games
  265. Viking Games
  266. Vorpal Games
  267. Wanderer Games
  268. War College Simulations PBM, Inc.
  269. Warlord Strategic Gaming
  270. Warrior Games
  271. Waveney Games
  272. Whitegold Games
  273. White Lion Enterprises
  274. World Games
  275. WoW Games
  276. Wraith PBM
  277. Yellowseed Games of Canada
  278. Zephyr Enterprises, Inc.
  279. Zorph Enterprises

External links

Galactic Prisoners fan site