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KJC Games Quest
Quests in Quest.

It should be no surprise that in a game of this name Quests are a vital part of playing. They’ll bring in gold and XP to every character in your Party. The Temple/Library Quests are especially rewarding.
Basic Shop Quests.
Available to young Groups and usually of the peaceful fetch and carry or info gathering type. Reward is usually based on distance. These can be gained from any interacting with shops like buying, handing, talking, etc. Buy and Return an item quests are not usually worth the risk as the target settlement has often run out of stock on the item even after trying many Investigate orders so don't bother with these. Unless of course you’ve recently visited the place and know 100% the item is in stock.

During our stay in the shop we got offered a task: Journey to the village of Davit(112). You're to carry a message there and give it to the proprietor of Boozy Elf (shop #21). For this task you will each receive 16 gold. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 3960 to accept this venture.

While we were in the shop we got offered a venture: Travel to the city of Llorian(5). You're to locate Ripped Off Arms (shop #22) and buy 3 Vases(437). You will get 72 gold for each one required that you bring back to the proprietor of Treasure House (shop #21). You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 2269 to accept this mission.

While we were in the shop a task was offered to us: Travel to the city of Shiva Keep(17). You're to find Journeys (shop #73), sanctify it with a ritual spell and then return here. For this task you will each get 144 gold. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 3165 to start this venture. 

During our stay in the shop we got offered a mission: Travel to the town of Amil Castle(52). You're to go there, then return here with details of what prices are being offered there for hides etc. For this task you will each receive 40 gold. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 3679 to undertake this task.
Temple Quests. (TQ)
Groups need 2000 XP for these and may need to buy them from a Temple of their own alignment or at least similar. Buy early in the Turn and with a Class you’ve more than 3 of (usually Fighters) so B 95 0 611. There are 4 types in total so it might take 2 Turns to get the exact type you want. Gold/XP rewards for these can be very high helping a lot with stat training.

1/ Slay an NPC. Can be anywhere on the map. A Revelation 803 miracle will at least get you a vague distance/direction. Extremely rarely they will show up nearby on your local map so it’s worth a look though this won’t happen often at all.

Buy  1  0  611  --  We searched the entire town and found what we were lookingfor in shop number 55. We realised that shop 55 is in the north side of the city. We visited the shop there. The chief priest rushed over, then served us.As you knelt praying, a priest approached you with a task: "We would be pleasedif you could send Orome(2070) to meet his maker. This outlaw has committed onerobbery too many on our temples and there is now a bounty of 15000 gold on his head. Unfortunately we have no idea of his current whereabouts". You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this mission, after which it will not be available. Do Y 1123 to begin this venture. When you reckon you have done the mission, return to any city and issue the same Y 1123 order to collect the reward.

2/ Recover an item from a monster group. Can be anywhere on the map with Priests Revelation 803 miracle helping hint the way. Reward is based on distance.

Buy  1  0  611  --  We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in shop number 55. We realised that shop 55 is in the north side of the city. We visited the shop there. The chief priest displayed a lot of cordiality as he served us. A wealthy-looking antique collector approached us, saying that he'd sent a novice party to buy a Pipe for him. However the party were waylaid by the Stinger Plant(6853) on their way back. He'd appreciate it if you'd retrieve the Pipe from the monster. He'd be willing to pay 13000 upon its safe recovery. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this mission, after which it will not be available. Do Y 1533 to begin this task. When you reckon you have done the task, return here and issue the same Y 1533 order to finish it.

3/ Clear a Dungeon level. Can be anywhere on the map. Reward is based on Depth. Levels 1 and 2 are not too bad for 99 Health Groups trained in their preferred weapons. From level 3 you start getting Giants including the dreaded Cyclops and Titans. From level 7 you’ll start finding the games toughest monsters so leave that for Groups with 250 Health Fighters and decent + gear.

Buy  2  0  611  --  We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in shop number 55. The chief priest displayed a lot of cordiality as he served us. We were offered the following task: Initial explorations have located the Crypt of Cadavers, 42 sectors south and 23 sectors west of here. We wish you to travel there and empty level 4 of the creatures infesting it. A reward of 24000 gold is payable upon completion. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this task, after which it will not be available. Do Y 2229 to undertake this quest. When you reckon you have done the task, return here and issue the same Y 2229 order to finish it.

4/ Local Monster Slaying. These are my favourite missions mainly because they will be near the settlement offering the TQ. In fact they’ll often show up on the map especially with a half-decent Scout in the Group. When the distance does start getting too far it’ll be time to move onto next place. Each character gains half gold reward in XP. With the gold amount often 1000+. So that’s 500+ XP for killing a nearby monster that you probably would’ve targeted anyway. Young Groups tend to get easier monsters and lesser rewards. Sure you can see why these are my preferred type of Quest.

Buy  3  0  611  --  We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in shop number 55. The chief priest looked hungry for our gold. The following venture was on offer: Due to it threatening the livelihood of local farmers, the city officials are offering a reward for the extermination of monster group 9883 which consists of a solitary Gatherer. The reward of 500 gold is payable upon completion to every character involved.  The monster group was last seen 5 sectors south and 3 sectors east of here. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this venture, after which it will not be available. Do Y 3808 to undertake this quest. When you reckon you have finished the venture, return to this settlement and issue the same Y 3808 order to finish it.

Buy 2 0 611 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop number 55. The chief priest said, "Hi! You're welcome here". The following task was on offer: Due to it threatening the livelihood of local farmers, the city officials are offering a reward for the extermination of monster group 7307 which consists of a solitary Fire Elemental. The reward of 1260 gold is payable upon completion to every character involved. The monster group was last seen 3 sectors south and 8 sectors east of here. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this task, after which it will not be available. Do Y 3009 to comence this quest. When you reckon you have finished the quest, return to this settlement and issue the same Y 3009 order to finish it.

Library Quests. (LQ)
Groups need 4000 XP for these. And not all Cities libraries offer them. There are 4 types.
1/ Find a Named Terrain location. Can be anywhere on the map. Ask other players for help on location. Alliances have a lot stored on Kharno maps.
Buy 2 72 611 -- The manager of City Library appeared to be in good spirits as he attended to us. We were offered the following quest: The cartographers' guild of Kharne request more information on the whereabouts of the WAHINO MOUNTAINS. It would greatly assist the guild were a party to locate and investigate it. There is of course a researcher's fee of 360 gold payable upon completion to every character involved. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this mission, after which it will not be available. Do Y 1570 to begin this venture. When you reckon you have finished the mission, return to any major city and issue the same Y 1570 order to finish it.

2/ Find a Dungeon. Can be anywhere on the map. Ask other players for help on location. Alliances have a lot stored on Kharno maps.

Buy 1 72 611 -- We realised that shop 72 is in the west side of the city. We visited the shop there. The manager of City Library greeted us as we entered, then attended to us. A librarian has discovered old records which point to there once being the Dungeon of Oppression located in the MADNESS MARSH. He would be obliged if you would travel there, find it and check its accessibility. A research award of 15000 will be payable upon returning to this city and divulging your findings to the librarian. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this venture, after which it will not be available. Do Y 2302 to begin this venture. When you reckon you have finished the task, return here and issue the same Y 2302 order to finish it.

3/ Rescue an NPC from a Dungeon. Reward based on how deep down they are. Can be anywhere on the map. Ask other players for help on location. Alliances have a lot stored on Kharno maps.
Buy 2 72 611 -- The manager of City Library was delighted to meet us. A distraught lady approached us and offered the following quest: My friend Mirromi(4970) has been kidnapped by brigands. I would be most grateful were you to rescue Mirromi from their hideout, which is in the Crypt of Peril, located 57 sectors south and 12 sectors east of here. A reward of 28000 will be paid upon their safe return. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this mission, after which it will not be available. Do Y 1202 to comence this quest. When you reckon you have finished the task, return here and issue the same Y 1202 order to finish it.

4/ Clear a Lair. These are single level Dungeons often with just few rooms and can contain any monster type including the worst. Can be anywhere on the map. Ask other players for help on location. Alliances have a lot stored on Kharno maps.

Buy 1 72 611 -- We realised that shop 72 is in the west side of the city. We visited the shop there. The manager of City Library wasn't here, but an assistant looked after us. We were offered the following quest: Scouts reckon that they've found the home of the creatures that have been worrying the farmers. They are holed up in the Caves of Dwot, 29 sectors south and 41 sectors west of here. Travel there and empty it of creatures. A reward of 16000 gold is payable upon completion. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this quest, after which it will not be available. Do Y 1031 to begin this venture. When you reckon you have finished the venture, return here and issue the same Y 1031 order to finish it.

The examples are all from G33 just in case anyone doesn't recognise the settlement names and numbers or dungeons/lairs.


Buy 2 0 611 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop number 55. The chief priest said, "Hi! You're welcome here". The following task was on offer: Due to it threatening the livelihood of local farmers, the city officials are offering a reward for the extermination of monster group 7307 which consists of a solitary Fire Elemental. The reward of 1260 gold is payable upon completion to every character involved. The monster group was last seen 3 sectors south and 8 sectors east of here. You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept this task, after which it will not be available. Do Y 3009 to comence this quest. When you reckon you have finished the quest, return to this settlement and issue the same Y 3009 order to finish it.

Accept Quest 3009 -- We are now on mission 3009.

As we moved along, we came upon a Fire Elemental(7307). (Blurb given below).

When we got nearer to it, we took a careful look at it. (1 Fire Sprite). It did not appear to be injured.
We let out our battle cry,

The enemy was dead. We didn't get any treasure! We have now killed monster group 7307 as requested. All we have to do now is return to the city of Jamondale(18). We earned 76 experience points.

Accept Quest 3009 -- We were heartily congratulated for a job well done. The city officials produced 1260 gold each to pay for the service rendered. We also each received 630 experience points.

Messages In This Thread
KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-11-2022, 08:50 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 10:06 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 11:11 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 12:22 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 01:05 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 01:53 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 04:29 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 08:34 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 09:30 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 09:55 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:02 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:30 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:50 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 11:05 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 11:25 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-11-2022, 09:20 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-13-2022, 03:58 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-18-2022, 10:09 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-25-2022, 09:04 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 10-22-2022, 08:07 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 11-01-2022, 02:59 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 11-08-2022, 10:12 PM

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