09-18-2022, 10:09 PM
Quest Dungeon Guide
After playing for a while and exploring the wilderness you’ll eventually decide it is time to enter one of the many underground dungeons. Either ones you’ve discovered by accident or been asked to map or clear as a Library/Temple Quest or that a friendly Alliance can send you news on.
There are two very different types of Dungeon. The Lair is very basic with just a single level and often not many rooms. These can contain any monster type including the worst that Quest has to offer so are probably best to avoid for young Groups. The proper Dungeons are 2 to 10 levels deep. From level 3 you can start getting Giants so be warned about their painful swallow attack. Dragons and many other toughest monster types stay past level 6. My advice to young Groups is to stay on levels 1 and 2 for now. You will still get plenty of monsters to battle each Turn gaining magic items, gold, xp, fighter skill increases and weapon skill points.
Setups should be fairly warlike with 7-10 Fighters, 2-3 Priests, 2-3 Mages and 1 Thief/Scout. And it’d be nice to have everyone fully trained with their main weapon and on 99 Health so they can give and take some damage effectively. Priests should mainly be set as Healers with their miracles. The Mages will be vital as its almost impossible to explore down here without some of their spells. Every character should have Backpacks 467 to help with Load ratings, Mirrors 451 to protect against Petrify attacks, Lockpicks 472 to help open locked containers and several Torches 433 to light the way. Each torch lasts 2-3 Turns so plan accordingly.
Essential Mage spells are (these spell numbers are for G20 only as they vary in each game world:
Reveal Monsters (497) – shows which room has monsters or even stacks of them.
Exit Dungeon (542) – moves Group back to wilderness instantly.
Map Dungeon Level (958) – only needs to be cast once then Group remembers it forever.
Reveal Traps (93) – needs to be cast each Turn start to avoid damage from traps.
Optional (and higher level 50+):
Jaunt I (527)
Jaunt II (352)
Reveal Treasure (83)
Move your Group to a known Dungeon location in the wilderness. Issue a D 0 order to descend. Cast spell Map Dungeon Level and Reveal Monsters.
Next turn cast Reveal Traps. Move to each Room containing monsters as shown last Turn using an Investigate room number order. Issue 1 or more E 0 in each room to grind down any potential stack of monsters. Sometimes there can be massive stacks of monsters in the same room so be warned! Cast Reveal Monsters at end of Turn to show which rooms still contain targets for next Turn. Its also worth Investigating any found gold bags with an I 474 order, sharing the gold with N 0 and Resting with R 4 to use up any unspent movement points.
Once level 1 is clear issue D 2 to descend and move to room marked with ‘Stairs down’. Issue D 0 to stay on that new level. Cast spell Map Dungeon Level and Reveal Monsters. And begin the cycle over again until this next level is cleared.
You can also set Speed while down there just as you would with Wilderness and Settlements. S (1=Fast/2=Normal/3=Cautious). Fast speed will give you more movement points to spend each Turn.
Casting Exit Dungeon will teleport your Group to the dungeon entrance in the wilderness.
Any Horses your Group has are automatically left at the Dungeons entrance all safe and fed. Upon exiting you will gather all of them but will need to remount as required. RM 99 702 for remount all on Arabians.
Remember to take plenty of spell powders with you as they can get used very quickly depending on auto-casting setup.
Upon returning to the nearest City your Group may require some healing or have negative effects in place like poisoned, diseased or low Energy. The temple of Baldors Full Healing service 606 will fix all this so B 99 0 606 is a smart move.
After playing for a while and exploring the wilderness you’ll eventually decide it is time to enter one of the many underground dungeons. Either ones you’ve discovered by accident or been asked to map or clear as a Library/Temple Quest or that a friendly Alliance can send you news on.
There are two very different types of Dungeon. The Lair is very basic with just a single level and often not many rooms. These can contain any monster type including the worst that Quest has to offer so are probably best to avoid for young Groups. The proper Dungeons are 2 to 10 levels deep. From level 3 you can start getting Giants so be warned about their painful swallow attack. Dragons and many other toughest monster types stay past level 6. My advice to young Groups is to stay on levels 1 and 2 for now. You will still get plenty of monsters to battle each Turn gaining magic items, gold, xp, fighter skill increases and weapon skill points.
Setups should be fairly warlike with 7-10 Fighters, 2-3 Priests, 2-3 Mages and 1 Thief/Scout. And it’d be nice to have everyone fully trained with their main weapon and on 99 Health so they can give and take some damage effectively. Priests should mainly be set as Healers with their miracles. The Mages will be vital as its almost impossible to explore down here without some of their spells. Every character should have Backpacks 467 to help with Load ratings, Mirrors 451 to protect against Petrify attacks, Lockpicks 472 to help open locked containers and several Torches 433 to light the way. Each torch lasts 2-3 Turns so plan accordingly.
Essential Mage spells are (these spell numbers are for G20 only as they vary in each game world:
Reveal Monsters (497) – shows which room has monsters or even stacks of them.
Exit Dungeon (542) – moves Group back to wilderness instantly.
Map Dungeon Level (958) – only needs to be cast once then Group remembers it forever.
Reveal Traps (93) – needs to be cast each Turn start to avoid damage from traps.
Optional (and higher level 50+):
Jaunt I (527)
Jaunt II (352)
Reveal Treasure (83)
Move your Group to a known Dungeon location in the wilderness. Issue a D 0 order to descend. Cast spell Map Dungeon Level and Reveal Monsters.
Next turn cast Reveal Traps. Move to each Room containing monsters as shown last Turn using an Investigate room number order. Issue 1 or more E 0 in each room to grind down any potential stack of monsters. Sometimes there can be massive stacks of monsters in the same room so be warned! Cast Reveal Monsters at end of Turn to show which rooms still contain targets for next Turn. Its also worth Investigating any found gold bags with an I 474 order, sharing the gold with N 0 and Resting with R 4 to use up any unspent movement points.
Once level 1 is clear issue D 2 to descend and move to room marked with ‘Stairs down’. Issue D 0 to stay on that new level. Cast spell Map Dungeon Level and Reveal Monsters. And begin the cycle over again until this next level is cleared.
You can also set Speed while down there just as you would with Wilderness and Settlements. S (1=Fast/2=Normal/3=Cautious). Fast speed will give you more movement points to spend each Turn.
Casting Exit Dungeon will teleport your Group to the dungeon entrance in the wilderness.
Any Horses your Group has are automatically left at the Dungeons entrance all safe and fed. Upon exiting you will gather all of them but will need to remount as required. RM 99 702 for remount all on Arabians.
Remember to take plenty of spell powders with you as they can get used very quickly depending on auto-casting setup.
Upon returning to the nearest City your Group may require some healing or have negative effects in place like poisoned, diseased or low Energy. The temple of Baldors Full Healing service 606 will fix all this so B 99 0 606 is a smart move.