Turn 1
Not the best of starts but what the hell. Priests skill is all weak. Will be 7 turns before 1 has access to call spirit 903 to help with robbing shops and npc's. Health overall is ok to good. No 20 health elf mages here. Meaning we can take a few hits should the need arise and yes it definitely will. 1 of the Mages has Enchant Weapon 1 spell though we could easily learn it later. This will be important as some monsters can only be hit by magical weapons and you really don't want to bump into them unprepared. +4 or better weapons would also do the trick. Lots of special creatures are hidden on the map without a skilled Scout to spot them which makes wandering the wilderness very dangerous. Monsters can also be hidden under others in the same map sector.
From now on the focus will be on thieving to fund 202 gold Dwarf Warrior recruiting and equipping. Though we will accept other Races of Warrior except for Elves.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 29 54 37 50 0 0 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 33 43 49 58 0 2 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 30 63 68 33 0 1 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 43 53 74 42 0 0 53 (53)
Total cash = 1500 gold Rations = 100
1 Borin Bare Hands NONE 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands NONE 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands NONE 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
1 Borin 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 29 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 29 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Strength(301), Disease(501), Charm(701), Ritual(901)
2 Faramir 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 33 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 33 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Cure Poison(102), Kill Undead(201), Strength(301),
Berserk(302), Terror(401), Disease(501), Call Monster(502),
Plant Control(601), Charm(701), Luck of Novala(702), Oracle(801),
Ritual(901), Manna(902)
3 Azog 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 30 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 30 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Cure Poison(102), Kill Undead(201), Strength(301),
Berserk(302), Terror(401), Disease(501), Call Monster(502),
Plant Control(601), Charm(701), Luck of Novala(702), Oracle(801),
Ritual(901), Manna(902)
4 Gandalf 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 31 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 31 5) None -
6) None -
Powders Left 301) 3 302) 4 303) 0 304) 0 305) 0
306) 4 307) 0 308) 0 309) 0
Enchant Weapons I(2), Turn Undead I(16)
5 Saruman 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 31 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 31 5) None -
6) None -
Powders Left 301) 5 302) 0 303) 5 304) 0 305) 0
306) 4 307) 0 308) 0 309) 0
Magic Dart(3), Turn Undead I(16)
1 - - - - -
2 - - Poor(21) - -
3 - - - - -
4 - - - - -
5 - - - - -
6 - - - - -
1 - - - Weak(18) -
2 - - - - -
3 - Poor(22) - - -
4 - - - Feeble(11) -
5 - Fumbler(8) - - -
6 - Poor(22) - - -
Turn 2
Setup standing orders with an Investigate I 0, A recruitment order for 202 gold Dwarf Fighters J 9 202 and the standard 3 pray to all Gods orders P 0's to keep Priests skill improving each turn.
Bought Thief a Lockpick, Cast some Novala miracles, robbed 2 shops.
Bought Journey to nearby City, talked to few Inns and set attitude to all monsters as hostile. No friendly encounters here thanks.
We also had a brawl earning us 5 XP. This can happen when you're to cheap to pay for sleep 604 at an Inn or auto-sleep at 1 of your Alliance HQ shops. You can earn 100's of XP from such fights and i've never had a fatal one just few bruises.
2 Warriors have offered their services 1 Dwarf of course given our specific J order and a Human. Major difference in stats thanks to Racial bonuses. We'll accept them both next Turn thanks to the gold the Thief is bringing in.
II 0 -- Standing order 1 now set to I 0.
JJ 9 202 -- Standing order 2 now set to J 9 202.
PP 0 -- Standing order 3 now set to P 0.
PP 0 -- Standing order 4 now set to P 0.
PP 0 -- Standing order 5 now set to P 0.
B 6 0 472 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 34. The proprietor of Upepipor's Stores appeared to be in good spirits as he
attended to us. Golum got a Lockpick for 124 gold.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
gods! Someone told us about the god. See blurb below. The assistant kept us
talking. We were told, "You can investigate just about everything to find out more
information about it, even your own party!"
C 2 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gained 16 experience points for Faramir.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gained 16 experience points for Azog.
W 25 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. Golum was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Ramuvan's Armour. Golum whooped with joy as he managed to prise
open a window with his Thieve's Guild membership card. We increased our party funds
by some 254 gold. Golum gained 60 experience points. Azog gained 30 experience
W 34 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Upepipor's Stores. We got in easily. No
shop is safe from the likes of Golum. We gathered together 123 gold. Golum gained 35
experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
B 99 37 311 -- The manager of Journeys was delighted to meet us. We gave
payment of 138 gold, were given our tickets and were told where to go to the coach.
Someone showed us to the stagecoach pick up point, where we got bored waiting to
board until the stagecoach pulled up. The coach is run by the famous Trolls Gofar
line, who claim never to have lost a passenger (yet). Nothing disturbed our tedious
journey. It took a while, but we got there in the end.
T 22 -- It's in the centre of the city. The owner of Golden Plate couldn't chat
just now. We went in search of any customers to have a natter.
We met RILEBU, a dwarf townsman(6841), but he didn't tell us very much.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we learnt that Wittlo is roughly 5 days
T 24 -- It took us a while to locate the shop. It's in the south side of the
city. Looking around the place, we noticed it didn't seem too well defended. We had
a discussion with the proprietor of Running Boar who wasn't very talkative.
During our stay in the shop a mission was offered to us: Journey to the village of
Kayjaycee(115). You're to go there, then return here with details of what prices are
being offered there for hides etc. For this task you will each receive 84 gold. You
have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be
offered to another party. Do Y 1626 to begin this quest.
We went in search of any customers to have a natter. Unfortunately it was a most
unfriendly place.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
T 26 -- It took us a while to discover the shop. It's in the centre of the city.
Looking around the place, we noticed it didn't seem too well defended. We had a chat
with the proprietor of Silent Tower who didn't give a lot away.
While talking in the shop we got offered a task: Journey to the village of
Forthif(64). You're to safely take a message there and deliver it to the proprietor
of Jolly Little Gnoll (shop #21). For this task you will each get 26 gold. You have
until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered
to another party. Do Y 1995 to commence this task.
We went to look for customers to chat a bit. Unfortunately it was a most unfriendly
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Phorensim is approximately 7 days
A 180 3 -- Our goal in life? Kill all monsters.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Old Ruin(25), in the east side of the city.
J 9 202 -- We offered 202 gold for new recruits and are particularly interested
in dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. Our
priests felt emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The attention of the gods is elsewhere
at this time.
P 0 -- Our party's priests made many devotions. More prayer must be needed. We
will have to try harder next time.
As it got dark, the local tavern became rowdy.
"Those dice are loaded!" screamed a local. Before the rogue could escape the
tavern erupted into fisticuffs Thrundar, the Farmer jabbed at the blonde bar wench,
busting her bottom lip. The lippy Farmer punched the nearest person. The big eared
Farmer floored a farmer. "And stay down!". Palmer, the Farmer was smacked by a
hurled dog.
Dogs howled at the commotion. Borin slipped on spilt beer, crashing to the ground.
Thomas, the Farmer after being hurled over the bar, lay on the ground drinking wine
pouring from a keg. The big eared Farmer was dunked in the soup.
Two barmaids played tennis with some poor farmers face, each taking turns to slap
him silly.
A couple of old men started arguing about their bets. Golum was hurled through
the window and landed in the dung heap out back. Azog was last seen falling through
the trap door to the cellar. Saruman was attended to by a nice barmaid. Faramir
bounced twice and rolled out the door of the tavern to lay unconscious in the street.
Borin vomited and fell over out for the count.
A huge hulking warrior loomed over three dwarves, the shorter of the three made
an obscure gesture and muttered "We are not the dwarves you're looking for", the
hulking warrior nodded and replied "You're not the dwarves I'm looking for". Gandalf
collapsed in a drunken stupor on the floor.
The local guards burst in and cracked heads until the brawl ended. We earned 5
experience points.
We're in Frane. We slept in a barn, courtesy of a local. We consumed 6 rations and
then had a good night's rest. We regained 7 power points overnight. We noticed our
recruitment offer being considered. The 3 new recruits are listed below. Use an X
order to have any join. You will have to pay 202 gold to each one that joins. We
read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices from the city officials of
Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and Snake Skins @ 100
gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 30 54 37 50 0 1 52 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 34 43 49 58 0 20 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 31 63 68 33 0 65 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 44 53 74 42 0 96 53 (53)
Total cash = 1615 gold Rations = 94
1 Borin Bare Hands NONE 0 16% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands NONE 0 17% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands NONE 0 16% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands NONE 0 15% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands NONE 0 9% 100%
17 human fighter Warrior (See Below) 21 57 44 49
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 32 67 42 35
27 dwarf thief Rogue (See Below) 22 41 60 21
Turn 3
More Novala miracles, shop and npc larceny. Accept the 2 warrior recruits. 1 even has 50 gold left from the 202 spent.
Onto equipping. Time to buy them all a missile weapon in this case light crossbow (113). Buying for all with a B 99 0 113 order will only succeed if all characters have the required gold as they won't share in this case. That's why the N 99 order is done before so gold gets shared equally so they'll all definitely have enough. If you do a partial Part buy as with B 95 0 113 then gold is shared as required. Just the way the game works though does take some getting used to.
Flee Factor is set to 100%. Risky i know but don't want my Group fleeing from just a few bruises.
We've also been offered 2 more Warrior recruits. Dwarf and Halfblood. Health on both is good. Dwarf has the better skill and Halfblood has the better Awareness. Will definitely accept them both next Turn.
As another note you'll see we were offered a very weak Mage this turn. They always come knowing 2 low level spells so note the details down for the beginning of your Party Mages spellbook to learn later once they've got some powders. There are 65 spells in total so gaining a few to get the ball rolling can't hurt.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Borin 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Azog 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Faramir.
W 61 -- We realised that shop 61 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Temple Of Baldor. Novala's blessing
was with us as we crept into Temple Of Baldor. Under a loose floorboard, Golum found
281 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
W 63 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala, we
tried to break into Temple Of Garthrana. Golum stifled a yell of triumph as the lock
yielded and the door swung open. We happily "borrowed" 347 gold from the generous
proprietor. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and located his money pouch. Golum filched 33 gold and
gained 95 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum crept up
silently on him but roused him from his slumber causing him to flee. Golum came back,
disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and searched around but could find nothing of value worth
taking. Golum reappeared, disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and searched around but could find nothing of value worth
taking. Golum reappeared, disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum approached
him cautiously and located his money pouch. Golum stole 16 gold and gained 80
X 25 Dorin -- Dorin took the 202 gold. Dorin went on a bender and now has only
50 gold left! New to our party is Dorin, a dwarf fighter and our 7th member. Dorin
could be good in a fight.
X 17 Boromir -- When Boromir joined, we paid 202 gold. Boromir had to pay some
bills. Keen to join our group is Boromir, a human fighter, the 8th member. Boromir
has huge muscles and will be a great fighter.
N 99 -- We split our funds amongst the party.
B 99 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons said, "Hi! You're welcome here". All
party members went to buy a Light Crossbow. Everyone bought one.
When we were in the shop we got offered a task: Travel to the village of Thoj(96).
You're to locate Yopa's Weapons (shop #22) and buy 3 Axes(119). You will be given 58
gold for each one required that you bring back to the proprietor of Uvuhiben's
Weapons (shop #51). You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept
after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 2848 to undertake this mission.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we learnt that Wittlo is approximately 24
sectors to the northwest. Rabbiting on, the proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons's wife
told us, "Priest spells generally cost very few power points, so even the weakest
priests can cast several miracles each turn".
F 100 -- We're ready to fight to the death! Our flee factor is now 100%.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and discovered a hidden shop, Ruined Hovel(27), in the east side of the
J 9 202 -- We offered 202 gold for new recruits and are especially looking for
dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. The priests seemed to be
P 0 -- Our priests purged worldly thoughts to commune with the gods. More prayer
must be needed. We will have to try harder next time.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. Alas there was no skill increase.
We're in Frane. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, but spotted a deserted barn. We
consumed 8 rations before sleeping through the night. We regained 14 power points
overnight. Our offer seems to have aroused interest. The 3 applicants are shown
below. To have any join us, do an X order for each one. Don't forget it will cost
you 202 gold for each one. We read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices
from the city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200
gold and Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 31 54 37 50 0 17 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 35 43 49 58 0 44 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 32 63 68 33 0 115 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 44 53 74 42 0 341 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 0 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
Total cash = 1683 gold Rations = 86
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 210 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 210 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
210 gold
7 Dorin *Light Crossbow(113), 210 gold
8 Boromir *Light Crossbow(113), 210 gold
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 33 62 47 39
29 halfblood fighter Warrior 29 68 53 30
30 halfblood mage Wizard (See Below) 24 31 47 21
30 POWER=24 Turn Undead I(16), Sleep I(4)
Turn 4
More Novala Miracles and thieving. Accepted the 2 warrior recruits. Bought all fighters a light crossbow 113 with B 95 0 113 order. 2 of our fighters now have spares. We've setup auto-casting on all 3 Priests for a Healing miracle as this will be vital in combat. 3 warrior recruits offered though 1 is an Elf. His under 50 Health hurts though isn't terrible at 49. But i'll stick with plan of 50+ Health Races only.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Borin gained 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Azog 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Faramir 24 experience points.
W 65 -- We realised that shop 65 is in the south side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Temple Of Sundonak. There was no trouble breaking in. We
gathered together 225 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17
experience points.
W 67 -- We realised that shop 67 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Temple Of Fleyshur. Easy. Golum picked the lock in no time. We
managed to steal 196 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17
experience points.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously but scarpered when he awoke. Golum returned, humbled and downhearted.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and robbed him blind! Golum managed to get away
with 42 gold and gained 35 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and robbed him blind! Golum managed to get away
with 42 gold and gained 35 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and located his money pouch. Golum stole 9 gold
and gained 70 experience.
O 3 1 101 -- Healing is now Azog's first ranked spell. Azog is now prepared to
use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
X 25 Forin -- We gave 202 gold to Forin. Forin paid off the money lender and has
just 69 remaining. Our newest party member just arrived: Forin the dwarf fighter and
member number 9. Forin looks very tough.
X 29 Gorbag -- Gorbag accepted 202 of our hard earned gold. Gorbag paid off the
money lender and has just 65 remaining. New party member 10 is a halfblood fighter
named Gorbag. Gorbag could be good in a fight.
B 7 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. We realised that shop 51 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons was pleased to meet us. Dorin got a
Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
B 8 0 113 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons was having a snack, which he
finished, then dealt with us. Boromir got a Light Crossbow at a cost of 35 gold.
B 9 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons wasn't here, but an assistant
looked after us. Forin got a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 10 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons was delighted to meet us. Gorbag
bought a Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
While chatting in the shop we learnt that Orcsdrift is around about 27 sectors to
the northwest. Rabbiting on, the owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons's wife told us, "If you
attempt to fight a monster which is considered too tough, your party may refuse to
attack it".
O 1 1 101 -- Healing is now Borin's first ranked spell. Borin is now prepared
to use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
O 2 1 101 -- Healing is now Faramir's first ranked spell. Faramir is now
prepared to use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Vandalised Shop(23), in the east side of the
J 9 202 -- Our party went around town, offering 202 for recruits, and dwarf
fighters are what we are really interested in.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. The
gods are smiling upon the Kings Of Chaos today.
P 0 -- The Kings Of Chaos prayed to the gods, led by the priests. We got no
answer this time. The gods must be busy!
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. We were told "Continue on your path
and you will get your rewards".
As it got dark, the local tavern became rowdy.
The tavern suddenly erupted into violence. The ugly Farmer floored a farmer. "And
stay down!". Giles, the Farmer was thrown through the air into a cowering merchant.
Hank, the Farmer floored a farmer. "And stay down!". Faramir after being hurled over
the bar, lay on the ground drinking wine pouring from a keg. The hairy Farmer went
down under a heap of bodies. Old Mac, the Farmer was held by a couple of farmers and
punched repeatedly. The thick Farmer kicked a fat merchant in the groin.
A dart sailed through the air to impale itself into a bum. Golum picked up a
barstool and smashed over a barmaid. "Do take a seat!". The big eared Farmer hit the
buxom barmaid square in the face, knocking her front teeth out. Thrundar, the Farmer
belted a skinny trader in the mouth. Freddy, the Farmer jabbed at the blonde bar
wench, busting her bottom lip. Faramir jabbed at the blonde bar wench, busting her
bottom lip.
A drunken mage stood in the corner of the room chanting a spell between gulps of
his ale. A piano materialised over his head, then fell to the ground squashing him
flat. The thick Farmer went down under a flurry of strikes from a barmaid. Dorin
smashed a farmer in the face. Faramir was dunked in the soup. Gorbag was slapped by
a barmaid. Borin was drenched in water and then slapped by a barmaid. Humpty, the
Farmer whacked a chair leg over a merchant's head. The ugly Farmer was slid across
the bar by the burly barman smashing glasses and bottles onto the tavern floor. Mung,
the Farmer was held by a couple of farmers and punched repeatedly. Faramir elbowed a
trader in the face. Old Mac, the Farmer was thrown through the air into a cowering
Howls and screams were loud enough to raise the dead. Faramir bashed the fur clad
Farmer using the landlord as a club. Saruman belted a skinny trader in the mouth.
A huge hulking warrior loomed over three dwarves, the shorter of the three made
an obscure gesture and muttered "We are not the dwarves you're looking for", the
hulking warrior nodded and replied "You're not the dwarves I'm looking for". Mung,
the Farmer hit the buxom barmaid square in the face, knocking her front teeth out.
Gandalf whacked a chair leg over a merchant's head. Saruman punched the nearest
person. The fur clad Farmer hit the red haired barmaid with a clean uppercut. She
bit the end off her own tongue as the punch connected with her chin. Gandalf caught
a mistimed punch in their hand. The bones in Mung, the Farmer's hand were crushed by
the dwarves powerful grip. The big eared Farmer was cracked over the head with a
chair. The hairy Farmer punched the wall when the farmer ducked. Mung, the Farmer
ran back into the tavern, having been thrown through a window.
The barmaids ganged up and sorted out the problem using a combination of water
drenching and empty jug strikes, the fighting quickly ended. We earned 24 experience
We're in Frane. We spent the night in town, sleeping rough. We consumed 10 rations
and then slept overnight. We regained 19 power points overnight. Our recruitment
offer attracted interest. New applicants statistics are shown below for 3
candidates. Use an X order to have any join. Don't forget it will cost you 202 gold
for each one. We read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices from the
city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and
Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 32 54 37 50 0 37 53 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 36 43 49 58 0 70 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 33 63 68 33 0 165 60 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 4 46 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 4 51 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 46 53 74 42 0 554 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 2 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
9 Forin DF-Wa M 33 62 47 39 0 5 62 (62)
10 Gorbag BF-Wa M 29 68 53 30 0 1 68 (68)
Total cash = 1787 gold Rations = 76
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 19% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
9 Forin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 2% 100%
10 Gorbag Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 3% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 216 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 215 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 216 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 215 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 215 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
308 gold
7 Dorin *2 Light Crossbows(142467,142465), 180 gold
8 Boromir *2 Light Crossbows(142468,142466), 180 gold
9 Forin *Light Crossbow(113), 12 gold
10 Gorbag *Light Crossbow(113), 30 gold
21 elf fighter Warrior 22 49 52 50
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 31 69 43 37
29 halfblood fighter Warrior 30 70 53 21
Turn 5
Miracles and robs. Accept the 2 recruits noting both had some gold left over so were very cheap. Bought all Fighters a l x bow 113. So many now have spares. And of course the new recruits gained some free skill with this weapon type. Thief did some thief skill training 614 thanks to XP earned. 1 Warrior on offer. Plus a Mage that may have a spell or 2 we didn't know about.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Borin gained 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Azog gained 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and Faramir gained 24 experience points.
W 69 -- We realised that shop 69 is in the east side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After dark, we approached Temple
Of Ythcal. Novala's blessing was with us as we crept into Temple Of Ythcal. Not
quite a dragon's hoard, but we came away with 340 gold. Golum gained 35 experience
points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
W 71 -- We realised that shop 71 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After it went quiet, we cautiously
approached Temple Of Molwanh. Drunk as a skunk, Golum smashed the door open and got
inside. We stuffed our pockets full of 171 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points.
Azog gained 17 experience points.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and picked his pockets. Golum managed to get away with 32
gold and gained 15 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 72 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 72 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 75
gold and gained 85 experience.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum carefully sneaked up
but tripped over a stone, arousing his attention. Golum reappeared, humiliated and
X 25 Horin -- We paid 202 gold to Horin. After having a good time, Horin has 38
gold left. New party member 11 is a dwarf fighter named Horin. Horin could be good
in a fight.
X 29 Ragbok -- Ragbok took the 202 gold. Ragbok went on a bender and now has
only 63 gold left! Wanting to join us on our adventure is Ragbok, a halfblood
fighter, who becomes our 12th member. Ragbok looks very tough.
B 7 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. We realised that shop 51 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons wasn't here, but an assistant looked
after us. Dorin got a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 8 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. Uvuhiben looked hungry for our gold. Boromir purchased a Light Crossbow
for 35 gold.
B 9 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. Uvuhiben was having a snack, which he finished, then dealt with us.
Forin couldn't afford a Light Crossbow. Our party lent Forin the money for a Light
Crossbow. Forin purchased a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 10 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons greeted us as we entered, then
attended to us. Gorbag got a Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
B 11 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons displayed a lot of cordiality as he
served us. Horin couldn't afford a Light Crossbow. Our party lent Horin the money
for a Light Crossbow. Horin got a Light Crossbow at a cost of 35 gold.
B 12 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons looked hungry for our gold. Ragbok
purchased a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
During our conversation in the shop we learnt that Orcsdrift is around about 5 days
travel northwest. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons whispered to us, "If you pray
regularly to all Gods (P 0), your priests will become more powerful". None too
politely, Boromir pushed past him into the street.
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 73. We realised that shop 73 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. The chief priest was having a snack, which he finished, then dealt with
us. Golum's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Golum now seems more alert.
While talking in the shop we got offered a venture: Journey to the city of
Shenfreth(11). You're to track down Abegamar's Stores (shop #54), sanctify it with a
ritual spell and then return here. For this task you will each get 84 gold. You have
until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered
to another party. Do Y 3663 to commence this quest.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Orcsdrift is roughly 5
days northwest.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 73. The chief priest looked hungry for our gold. Golum's experience has
served him well. His ability has now increased by a point. and Golum now seems more
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Ruined Hovel(29), in the centre of the city.
J 9 202 -- Our party went around town, offering 202 for recruits, and are
especially looking for dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. We are
rewarded. More power to the gods!
P 0 -- We prayed to the gods, guided by our priests. We got no reward. Borin's
excuse was "That rabbit stew upset my stomach!".
P 0 -- We prayed to the gods, guided by our priests. We got no reward. Borin's
excuse was "That rabbit stew upset my stomach!".
We're in Frane. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we slept under a hedge. We
consumed 12 rations and then had a good night's rest. Overnight, we regained 20
power points. Our offer seems to have aroused interest. New applicants statistics
are shown below for 3 candidates. To have any join us, do an X order for each one.
You must pay 202 gold to each applicant you accept. We read a notice proclaiming
that you'll get these prices from the city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24
gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 33 54 37 50 0 53 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 37 43 49 58 0 94 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 34 63 68 33 0 215 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 4 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 4 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 49 53 77 42 0 424 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 2 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
9 Forin DF-Wa M 33 62 47 39 0 5 62 (62)
10 Gorbag BF-Wa M 29 68 53 30 0 1 68 (68)
11 Horin DF-Wa M 31 69 43 37 0 0 69 (69)
12 Ragbok BF-Wa M 30 70 53 21 0 0 70 (70)
Total cash = 1536 gold Rations = 64
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 16% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 5% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
9 Forin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 4% 100%
10 Gorbag Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 3% 100%
11 Horin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 1% 100%
12 Ragbok Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 2% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 225 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 223 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 225 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 224 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 225 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
69 gold
7 Dorin *3 Light Crossbows(142471,142467,142465), 155 gold
8 Boromir *3 Light Crossbows(142472,142468,142466), 155 gold
9 Forin *2 Light Crossbows(142473,142469)
10 Gorbag *2 Light Crossbows(142474,142470), 5 gold
11 Horin *Light Crossbow(113), 5 gold
12 Ragbok *Light Crossbow(113), 25 gold
22 elf mage Wizard 34 20 41 31
24 elf priest Cleric (See Below) 23 21 41 60
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 35 64 41 38
22 POWER=34 Enchant Weapons I(2), Slow Poison(26)
Not the best of starts but what the hell. Priests skill is all weak. Will be 7 turns before 1 has access to call spirit 903 to help with robbing shops and npc's. Health overall is ok to good. No 20 health elf mages here. Meaning we can take a few hits should the need arise and yes it definitely will. 1 of the Mages has Enchant Weapon 1 spell though we could easily learn it later. This will be important as some monsters can only be hit by magical weapons and you really don't want to bump into them unprepared. +4 or better weapons would also do the trick. Lots of special creatures are hidden on the map without a skilled Scout to spot them which makes wandering the wilderness very dangerous. Monsters can also be hidden under others in the same map sector.
From now on the focus will be on thieving to fund 202 gold Dwarf Warrior recruiting and equipping. Though we will accept other Races of Warrior except for Elves.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 29 54 37 50 0 0 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 33 43 49 58 0 2 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 30 63 68 33 0 1 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 43 53 74 42 0 0 53 (53)
Total cash = 1500 gold Rations = 100
1 Borin Bare Hands NONE 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands NONE 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands NONE 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
1 Borin 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 29 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 29 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Strength(301), Disease(501), Charm(701), Ritual(901)
2 Faramir 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 33 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 33 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Cure Poison(102), Kill Undead(201), Strength(301),
Berserk(302), Terror(401), Disease(501), Call Monster(502),
Plant Control(601), Charm(701), Luck of Novala(702), Oracle(801),
Ritual(901), Manna(902)
3 Azog 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 30 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 30 5) None -
6) None -
Healing(101), Cure Poison(102), Kill Undead(201), Strength(301),
Berserk(302), Terror(401), Disease(501), Call Monster(502),
Plant Control(601), Charm(701), Luck of Novala(702), Oracle(801),
Ritual(901), Manna(902)
4 Gandalf 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 31 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 31 5) None -
6) None -
Powders Left 301) 3 302) 4 303) 0 304) 0 305) 0
306) 4 307) 0 308) 0 309) 0
Enchant Weapons I(2), Turn Undead I(16)
5 Saruman 1) None -
2) None -
Current Spell Pts 31 3) None -
4) None -
Maximum Spell Pts 31 5) None -
6) None -
Powders Left 301) 5 302) 0 303) 5 304) 0 305) 0
306) 4 307) 0 308) 0 309) 0
Magic Dart(3), Turn Undead I(16)
1 - - - - -
2 - - Poor(21) - -
3 - - - - -
4 - - - - -
5 - - - - -
6 - - - - -
1 - - - Weak(18) -
2 - - - - -
3 - Poor(22) - - -
4 - - - Feeble(11) -
5 - Fumbler(8) - - -
6 - Poor(22) - - -
Turn 2
Setup standing orders with an Investigate I 0, A recruitment order for 202 gold Dwarf Fighters J 9 202 and the standard 3 pray to all Gods orders P 0's to keep Priests skill improving each turn.
Bought Thief a Lockpick, Cast some Novala miracles, robbed 2 shops.
Bought Journey to nearby City, talked to few Inns and set attitude to all monsters as hostile. No friendly encounters here thanks.
We also had a brawl earning us 5 XP. This can happen when you're to cheap to pay for sleep 604 at an Inn or auto-sleep at 1 of your Alliance HQ shops. You can earn 100's of XP from such fights and i've never had a fatal one just few bruises.
2 Warriors have offered their services 1 Dwarf of course given our specific J order and a Human. Major difference in stats thanks to Racial bonuses. We'll accept them both next Turn thanks to the gold the Thief is bringing in.
II 0 -- Standing order 1 now set to I 0.
JJ 9 202 -- Standing order 2 now set to J 9 202.
PP 0 -- Standing order 3 now set to P 0.
PP 0 -- Standing order 4 now set to P 0.
PP 0 -- Standing order 5 now set to P 0.
B 6 0 472 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 34. The proprietor of Upepipor's Stores appeared to be in good spirits as he
attended to us. Golum got a Lockpick for 124 gold.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
gods! Someone told us about the god. See blurb below. The assistant kept us
talking. We were told, "You can investigate just about everything to find out more
information about it, even your own party!"
C 2 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gained 16 experience points for Faramir.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gained 16 experience points for Azog.
W 25 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. Golum was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Ramuvan's Armour. Golum whooped with joy as he managed to prise
open a window with his Thieve's Guild membership card. We increased our party funds
by some 254 gold. Golum gained 60 experience points. Azog gained 30 experience
W 34 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Upepipor's Stores. We got in easily. No
shop is safe from the likes of Golum. We gathered together 123 gold. Golum gained 35
experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
B 99 37 311 -- The manager of Journeys was delighted to meet us. We gave
payment of 138 gold, were given our tickets and were told where to go to the coach.
Someone showed us to the stagecoach pick up point, where we got bored waiting to
board until the stagecoach pulled up. The coach is run by the famous Trolls Gofar
line, who claim never to have lost a passenger (yet). Nothing disturbed our tedious
journey. It took a while, but we got there in the end.
T 22 -- It's in the centre of the city. The owner of Golden Plate couldn't chat
just now. We went in search of any customers to have a natter.
We met RILEBU, a dwarf townsman(6841), but he didn't tell us very much.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we learnt that Wittlo is roughly 5 days
T 24 -- It took us a while to locate the shop. It's in the south side of the
city. Looking around the place, we noticed it didn't seem too well defended. We had
a discussion with the proprietor of Running Boar who wasn't very talkative.
During our stay in the shop a mission was offered to us: Journey to the village of
Kayjaycee(115). You're to go there, then return here with details of what prices are
being offered there for hides etc. For this task you will each receive 84 gold. You
have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be
offered to another party. Do Y 1626 to begin this quest.
We went in search of any customers to have a natter. Unfortunately it was a most
unfriendly place.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
T 26 -- It took us a while to discover the shop. It's in the centre of the city.
Looking around the place, we noticed it didn't seem too well defended. We had a chat
with the proprietor of Silent Tower who didn't give a lot away.
While talking in the shop we got offered a task: Journey to the village of
Forthif(64). You're to safely take a message there and deliver it to the proprietor
of Jolly Little Gnoll (shop #21). For this task you will each get 26 gold. You have
until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered
to another party. Do Y 1995 to commence this task.
We went to look for customers to chat a bit. Unfortunately it was a most unfriendly
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Phorensim is approximately 7 days
A 180 3 -- Our goal in life? Kill all monsters.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Old Ruin(25), in the east side of the city.
J 9 202 -- We offered 202 gold for new recruits and are particularly interested
in dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. Our
priests felt emotionally and spiritually fulfilled.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The attention of the gods is elsewhere
at this time.
P 0 -- Our party's priests made many devotions. More prayer must be needed. We
will have to try harder next time.
As it got dark, the local tavern became rowdy.
"Those dice are loaded!" screamed a local. Before the rogue could escape the
tavern erupted into fisticuffs Thrundar, the Farmer jabbed at the blonde bar wench,
busting her bottom lip. The lippy Farmer punched the nearest person. The big eared
Farmer floored a farmer. "And stay down!". Palmer, the Farmer was smacked by a
hurled dog.
Dogs howled at the commotion. Borin slipped on spilt beer, crashing to the ground.
Thomas, the Farmer after being hurled over the bar, lay on the ground drinking wine
pouring from a keg. The big eared Farmer was dunked in the soup.
Two barmaids played tennis with some poor farmers face, each taking turns to slap
him silly.
A couple of old men started arguing about their bets. Golum was hurled through
the window and landed in the dung heap out back. Azog was last seen falling through
the trap door to the cellar. Saruman was attended to by a nice barmaid. Faramir
bounced twice and rolled out the door of the tavern to lay unconscious in the street.
Borin vomited and fell over out for the count.
A huge hulking warrior loomed over three dwarves, the shorter of the three made
an obscure gesture and muttered "We are not the dwarves you're looking for", the
hulking warrior nodded and replied "You're not the dwarves I'm looking for". Gandalf
collapsed in a drunken stupor on the floor.
The local guards burst in and cracked heads until the brawl ended. We earned 5
experience points.
We're in Frane. We slept in a barn, courtesy of a local. We consumed 6 rations and
then had a good night's rest. We regained 7 power points overnight. We noticed our
recruitment offer being considered. The 3 new recruits are listed below. Use an X
order to have any join. You will have to pay 202 gold to each one that joins. We
read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices from the city officials of
Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and Snake Skins @ 100
gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 30 54 37 50 0 1 52 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 34 43 49 58 0 20 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 31 63 68 33 0 65 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 44 53 74 42 0 96 53 (53)
Total cash = 1615 gold Rations = 94
1 Borin Bare Hands NONE 0 16% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands NONE 0 17% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands NONE 0 14% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands NONE 0 16% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands NONE 0 15% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands NONE 0 9% 100%
17 human fighter Warrior (See Below) 21 57 44 49
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 32 67 42 35
27 dwarf thief Rogue (See Below) 22 41 60 21
Turn 3
More Novala miracles, shop and npc larceny. Accept the 2 warrior recruits. 1 even has 50 gold left from the 202 spent.
Onto equipping. Time to buy them all a missile weapon in this case light crossbow (113). Buying for all with a B 99 0 113 order will only succeed if all characters have the required gold as they won't share in this case. That's why the N 99 order is done before so gold gets shared equally so they'll all definitely have enough. If you do a partial Part buy as with B 95 0 113 then gold is shared as required. Just the way the game works though does take some getting used to.
Flee Factor is set to 100%. Risky i know but don't want my Group fleeing from just a few bruises.
We've also been offered 2 more Warrior recruits. Dwarf and Halfblood. Health on both is good. Dwarf has the better skill and Halfblood has the better Awareness. Will definitely accept them both next Turn.
As another note you'll see we were offered a very weak Mage this turn. They always come knowing 2 low level spells so note the details down for the beginning of your Party Mages spellbook to learn later once they've got some powders. There are 65 spells in total so gaining a few to get the ball rolling can't hurt.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Borin 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Azog 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Faramir.
W 61 -- We realised that shop 61 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Temple Of Baldor. Novala's blessing
was with us as we crept into Temple Of Baldor. Under a loose floorboard, Golum found
281 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
W 63 -- We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala, we
tried to break into Temple Of Garthrana. Golum stifled a yell of triumph as the lock
yielded and the door swung open. We happily "borrowed" 347 gold from the generous
proprietor. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and located his money pouch. Golum filched 33 gold and
gained 95 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum crept up
silently on him but roused him from his slumber causing him to flee. Golum came back,
disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and searched around but could find nothing of value worth
taking. Golum reappeared, disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and searched around but could find nothing of value worth
taking. Golum reappeared, disgraced and downhearted.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum approached
him cautiously and located his money pouch. Golum stole 16 gold and gained 80
X 25 Dorin -- Dorin took the 202 gold. Dorin went on a bender and now has only
50 gold left! New to our party is Dorin, a dwarf fighter and our 7th member. Dorin
could be good in a fight.
X 17 Boromir -- When Boromir joined, we paid 202 gold. Boromir had to pay some
bills. Keen to join our group is Boromir, a human fighter, the 8th member. Boromir
has huge muscles and will be a great fighter.
N 99 -- We split our funds amongst the party.
B 99 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons said, "Hi! You're welcome here". All
party members went to buy a Light Crossbow. Everyone bought one.
When we were in the shop we got offered a task: Travel to the village of Thoj(96).
You're to locate Yopa's Weapons (shop #22) and buy 3 Axes(119). You will be given 58
gold for each one required that you bring back to the proprietor of Uvuhiben's
Weapons (shop #51). You have until the end of the next turn or game week to accept
after which it may be offered to another party. Do Y 2848 to undertake this mission.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we learnt that Wittlo is approximately 24
sectors to the northwest. Rabbiting on, the proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons's wife
told us, "Priest spells generally cost very few power points, so even the weakest
priests can cast several miracles each turn".
F 100 -- We're ready to fight to the death! Our flee factor is now 100%.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and discovered a hidden shop, Ruined Hovel(27), in the east side of the
J 9 202 -- We offered 202 gold for new recruits and are especially looking for
dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. The priests seemed to be
P 0 -- Our priests purged worldly thoughts to commune with the gods. More prayer
must be needed. We will have to try harder next time.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. Alas there was no skill increase.
We're in Frane. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, but spotted a deserted barn. We
consumed 8 rations before sleeping through the night. We regained 14 power points
overnight. Our offer seems to have aroused interest. The 3 applicants are shown
below. To have any join us, do an X order for each one. Don't forget it will cost
you 202 gold for each one. We read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices
from the city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200
gold and Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 31 54 37 50 0 17 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 35 43 49 58 0 44 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 32 63 68 33 0 115 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 1 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 0 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 44 53 74 42 0 341 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 0 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
Total cash = 1683 gold Rations = 86
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 211 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 210 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 210 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
210 gold
7 Dorin *Light Crossbow(113), 210 gold
8 Boromir *Light Crossbow(113), 210 gold
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 33 62 47 39
29 halfblood fighter Warrior 29 68 53 30
30 halfblood mage Wizard (See Below) 24 31 47 21
30 POWER=24 Turn Undead I(16), Sleep I(4)
Turn 4
More Novala Miracles and thieving. Accepted the 2 warrior recruits. Bought all fighters a light crossbow 113 with B 95 0 113 order. 2 of our fighters now have spares. We've setup auto-casting on all 3 Priests for a Healing miracle as this will be vital in combat. 3 warrior recruits offered though 1 is an Elf. His under 50 Health hurts though isn't terrible at 49. But i'll stick with plan of 50+ Health Races only.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Borin gained 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and gave Azog 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Faramir 24 experience points.
W 65 -- We realised that shop 65 is in the south side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Temple Of Sundonak. There was no trouble breaking in. We
gathered together 225 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17
experience points.
W 67 -- We realised that shop 67 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Temple Of Fleyshur. Easy. Golum picked the lock in no time. We
managed to steal 196 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points. Azog gained 17
experience points.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously but scarpered when he awoke. Golum returned, humbled and downhearted.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and robbed him blind! Golum managed to get away
with 42 gold and gained 35 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and robbed him blind! Golum managed to get away
with 42 gold and gained 35 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Golum stealthily
advanced towards the sleeping NPC and located his money pouch. Golum stole 9 gold
and gained 70 experience.
O 3 1 101 -- Healing is now Azog's first ranked spell. Azog is now prepared to
use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
X 25 Forin -- We gave 202 gold to Forin. Forin paid off the money lender and has
just 69 remaining. Our newest party member just arrived: Forin the dwarf fighter and
member number 9. Forin looks very tough.
X 29 Gorbag -- Gorbag accepted 202 of our hard earned gold. Gorbag paid off the
money lender and has just 65 remaining. New party member 10 is a halfblood fighter
named Gorbag. Gorbag could be good in a fight.
B 7 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. We realised that shop 51 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons was pleased to meet us. Dorin got a
Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
B 8 0 113 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons was having a snack, which he
finished, then dealt with us. Boromir got a Light Crossbow at a cost of 35 gold.
B 9 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons wasn't here, but an assistant
looked after us. Forin got a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 10 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The proprietor of Uvuhiben's Weapons was delighted to meet us. Gorbag
bought a Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
While chatting in the shop we learnt that Orcsdrift is around about 27 sectors to
the northwest. Rabbiting on, the owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons's wife told us, "If you
attempt to fight a monster which is considered too tough, your party may refuse to
attack it".
O 1 1 101 -- Healing is now Borin's first ranked spell. Borin is now prepared
to use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
O 2 1 101 -- Healing is now Faramir's first ranked spell. Faramir is now
prepared to use Healing at the first sign of trouble.
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Vandalised Shop(23), in the east side of the
J 9 202 -- Our party went around town, offering 202 for recruits, and dwarf
fighters are what we are really interested in.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. The
gods are smiling upon the Kings Of Chaos today.
P 0 -- The Kings Of Chaos prayed to the gods, led by the priests. We got no
answer this time. The gods must be busy!
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. We were told "Continue on your path
and you will get your rewards".
As it got dark, the local tavern became rowdy.
The tavern suddenly erupted into violence. The ugly Farmer floored a farmer. "And
stay down!". Giles, the Farmer was thrown through the air into a cowering merchant.
Hank, the Farmer floored a farmer. "And stay down!". Faramir after being hurled over
the bar, lay on the ground drinking wine pouring from a keg. The hairy Farmer went
down under a heap of bodies. Old Mac, the Farmer was held by a couple of farmers and
punched repeatedly. The thick Farmer kicked a fat merchant in the groin.
A dart sailed through the air to impale itself into a bum. Golum picked up a
barstool and smashed over a barmaid. "Do take a seat!". The big eared Farmer hit the
buxom barmaid square in the face, knocking her front teeth out. Thrundar, the Farmer
belted a skinny trader in the mouth. Freddy, the Farmer jabbed at the blonde bar
wench, busting her bottom lip. Faramir jabbed at the blonde bar wench, busting her
bottom lip.
A drunken mage stood in the corner of the room chanting a spell between gulps of
his ale. A piano materialised over his head, then fell to the ground squashing him
flat. The thick Farmer went down under a flurry of strikes from a barmaid. Dorin
smashed a farmer in the face. Faramir was dunked in the soup. Gorbag was slapped by
a barmaid. Borin was drenched in water and then slapped by a barmaid. Humpty, the
Farmer whacked a chair leg over a merchant's head. The ugly Farmer was slid across
the bar by the burly barman smashing glasses and bottles onto the tavern floor. Mung,
the Farmer was held by a couple of farmers and punched repeatedly. Faramir elbowed a
trader in the face. Old Mac, the Farmer was thrown through the air into a cowering
Howls and screams were loud enough to raise the dead. Faramir bashed the fur clad
Farmer using the landlord as a club. Saruman belted a skinny trader in the mouth.
A huge hulking warrior loomed over three dwarves, the shorter of the three made
an obscure gesture and muttered "We are not the dwarves you're looking for", the
hulking warrior nodded and replied "You're not the dwarves I'm looking for". Mung,
the Farmer hit the buxom barmaid square in the face, knocking her front teeth out.
Gandalf whacked a chair leg over a merchant's head. Saruman punched the nearest
person. The fur clad Farmer hit the red haired barmaid with a clean uppercut. She
bit the end off her own tongue as the punch connected with her chin. Gandalf caught
a mistimed punch in their hand. The bones in Mung, the Farmer's hand were crushed by
the dwarves powerful grip. The big eared Farmer was cracked over the head with a
chair. The hairy Farmer punched the wall when the farmer ducked. Mung, the Farmer
ran back into the tavern, having been thrown through a window.
The barmaids ganged up and sorted out the problem using a combination of water
drenching and empty jug strikes, the fighting quickly ended. We earned 24 experience
We're in Frane. We spent the night in town, sleeping rough. We consumed 10 rations
and then slept overnight. We regained 19 power points overnight. Our recruitment
offer attracted interest. New applicants statistics are shown below for 3
candidates. Use an X order to have any join. Don't forget it will cost you 202 gold
for each one. We read a notice proclaiming that you'll get these prices from the
city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24 gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and
Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 32 54 37 50 0 37 53 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 36 43 49 58 0 70 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 33 63 68 33 0 165 60 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 4 46 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 4 51 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 46 53 74 42 0 554 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 2 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
9 Forin DF-Wa M 33 62 47 39 0 5 62 (62)
10 Gorbag BF-Wa M 29 68 53 30 0 1 68 (68)
Total cash = 1787 gold Rations = 76
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 19% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 12% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
9 Forin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 2% 100%
10 Gorbag Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 3% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 216 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 215 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 216 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 215 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 215 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
308 gold
7 Dorin *2 Light Crossbows(142467,142465), 180 gold
8 Boromir *2 Light Crossbows(142468,142466), 180 gold
9 Forin *Light Crossbow(113), 12 gold
10 Gorbag *Light Crossbow(113), 30 gold
21 elf fighter Warrior 22 49 52 50
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 31 69 43 37
29 halfblood fighter Warrior 30 70 53 21
Turn 5
Miracles and robs. Accept the 2 recruits noting both had some gold left over so were very cheap. Bought all Fighters a l x bow 113. So many now have spares. And of course the new recruits gained some free skill with this weapon type. Thief did some thief skill training 614 thanks to XP earned. 1 Warrior on offer. Plus a Mage that may have a spell or 2 we didn't know about.
C 1 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Borin gained 16 experience points.
C 3 702 99 -- The party feels somewhat luckier. This spell cost 8 power points
and Azog gained 16 experience points.
C 2 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and Faramir gained 24 experience points.
W 69 -- We realised that shop 69 is in the east side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After dark, we approached Temple
Of Ythcal. Novala's blessing was with us as we crept into Temple Of Ythcal. Not
quite a dragon's hoard, but we came away with 340 gold. Golum gained 35 experience
points. Azog gained 17 experience points.
W 71 -- We realised that shop 71 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Golum, with Azog as look out. After it went quiet, we cautiously
approached Temple Of Molwanh. Drunk as a skunk, Golum smashed the door open and got
inside. We stuffed our pockets full of 171 gold. Golum gained 35 experience points.
Azog gained 17 experience points.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and picked his pockets. Golum managed to get away with 32
gold and gained 15 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 72 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 6841 -- Golum was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Golum approached him
cautiously and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 72 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC and looted his backpack. Golum managed to get away with 75
gold and gained 85 experience.
S 6841 -- We despatched Golum to try and rob this NPC. Golum carefully sneaked up
but tripped over a stone, arousing his attention. Golum reappeared, humiliated and
X 25 Horin -- We paid 202 gold to Horin. After having a good time, Horin has 38
gold left. New party member 11 is a dwarf fighter named Horin. Horin could be good
in a fight.
X 29 Ragbok -- Ragbok took the 202 gold. Ragbok went on a bender and now has
only 63 gold left! Wanting to join us on our adventure is Ragbok, a halfblood
fighter, who becomes our 12th member. Ragbok looks very tough.
B 7 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. We realised that shop 51 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons wasn't here, but an assistant looked
after us. Dorin got a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 8 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. Uvuhiben looked hungry for our gold. Boromir purchased a Light Crossbow
for 35 gold.
B 9 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. Uvuhiben was having a snack, which he finished, then dealt with us.
Forin couldn't afford a Light Crossbow. Our party lent Forin the money for a Light
Crossbow. Forin purchased a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
B 10 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons greeted us as we entered, then
attended to us. Gorbag got a Light Crossbow costing 35 gold.
B 11 0 113 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons displayed a lot of cordiality as he
served us. Horin couldn't afford a Light Crossbow. Our party lent Horin the money
for a Light Crossbow. Horin got a Light Crossbow at a cost of 35 gold.
B 12 0 113 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 51. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons looked hungry for our gold. Ragbok
purchased a Light Crossbow for 35 gold.
During our conversation in the shop we learnt that Orcsdrift is around about 5 days
travel northwest. The owner of Uvuhiben's Weapons whispered to us, "If you pray
regularly to all Gods (P 0), your priests will become more powerful". None too
politely, Boromir pushed past him into the street.
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 73. We realised that shop 73 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. The chief priest was having a snack, which he finished, then dealt with
us. Golum's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Golum now seems more alert.
While talking in the shop we got offered a venture: Journey to the city of
Shenfreth(11). You're to track down Abegamar's Stores (shop #54), sanctify it with a
ritual spell and then return here. For this task you will each get 84 gold. You have
until the end of the next turn or game week to accept after which it may be offered
to another party. Do Y 3663 to commence this quest.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Orcsdrift is roughly 5
days northwest.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 73. The chief priest looked hungry for our gold. Golum's experience has
served him well. His ability has now increased by a point. and Golum now seems more
I 0 -- Frane was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops and found a hidden shop, Ruined Hovel(29), in the centre of the city.
J 9 202 -- Our party went around town, offering 202 for recruits, and are
especially looking for dwarf fighters.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. We are
rewarded. More power to the gods!
P 0 -- We prayed to the gods, guided by our priests. We got no reward. Borin's
excuse was "That rabbit stew upset my stomach!".
P 0 -- We prayed to the gods, guided by our priests. We got no reward. Borin's
excuse was "That rabbit stew upset my stomach!".
We're in Frane. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we slept under a hedge. We
consumed 12 rations and then had a good night's rest. Overnight, we regained 20
power points. Our offer seems to have aroused interest. New applicants statistics
are shown below for 3 candidates. To have any join us, do an X order for each one.
You must pay 202 gold to each applicant you accept. We read a notice proclaiming
that you'll get these prices from the city officials of Frane(17): Gnoll Hides @ 24
gold, Kreourse Hides @ 200 gold and Snake Skins @ 100 gold each.
1 Borin DP-Cl M 33 54 37 50 0 53 54 (54)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 37 43 49 58 0 94 43 (43)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 34 63 68 33 0 215 63 (63)
4 Gandalf DM-Wi M 31 47 51 37 0 4 47 (47)
5 Saruman BM-Wi M 31 52 60 25 0 4 52 (52)
6 Golum BT-Ro M 49 53 77 42 0 424 53 (53)
7 Dorin DF-Wa M 32 67 42 35 0 2 67 (67)
8 Boromir HF-Wa M 21 57 44 49 0 0 57 (57)
9 Forin DF-Wa M 33 62 47 39 0 5 62 (62)
10 Gorbag BF-Wa M 29 68 53 30 0 1 68 (68)
11 Horin DF-Wa M 31 69 43 37 0 0 69 (69)
12 Ragbok BF-Wa M 30 70 53 21 0 0 70 (70)
Total cash = 1536 gold Rations = 64
1 Borin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
2 Faramir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 16% 100%
3 Azog Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
4 Gandalf Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 15% 100%
5 Saruman Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
6 Golum Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 5% 100%
7 Dorin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 13% 100%
8 Boromir Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 14% 100%
9 Forin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 4% 100%
10 Gorbag Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 3% 100%
11 Horin Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 1% 100%
12 Ragbok Bare Hands LIGHT CROSSBOW 0 2% 100%
1 Borin *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 225 gold
2 Faramir *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 223 gold
3 Azog *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 225 gold
4 Gandalf *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 3 Braincrystal(301),
4 Dyingbreath(302), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 224 gold
5 Saruman *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), 5 Braincrystal(301),
5 Powderedblood(303), 4 Tonguesauce(306), 225 gold
6 Golum *Light Crossbow(113), Torch(433), Lockpick(472),
69 gold
7 Dorin *3 Light Crossbows(142471,142467,142465), 155 gold
8 Boromir *3 Light Crossbows(142472,142468,142466), 155 gold
9 Forin *2 Light Crossbows(142473,142469)
10 Gorbag *2 Light Crossbows(142474,142470), 5 gold
11 Horin *Light Crossbow(113), 5 gold
12 Ragbok *Light Crossbow(113), 25 gold
22 elf mage Wizard 34 20 41 31
24 elf priest Cleric (See Below) 23 21 41 60
25 dwarf fighter Warrior 35 64 41 38
22 POWER=34 Enchant Weapons I(2), Slow Poison(26)