Turn 11
Now we start really robbing the place for thousands of gold and lots of XP. The Insanity miracle 603 resets the difficulty level between 2 W orders and also stops you getting expelled from the settlement. Although a simple Locate order will get you back in with no problem. 3 W orders worked bringing Party gold upto just over 4k. Plus we got offered a fairly decent Elf Mage with 50+ skill and 40 Health. Could wait for slightly higher Toughness/Health but what the hell will accept him next turn. And try for another.
You may also notice the 3rd B 99 0 614 order failed as didn't quite have enough XP (200) for it.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Azog 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Chamaha's Gems. We blew it! - Bilbo picked, hit, bit, wrenched
and even chewed at the lock, but it wouldn't budge. We couldn't get in.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Iyplaleb's Gems. We got into the place. Our eyes glittered at
the sight of 1744 gold. We also managed to steal an Azimure Gem. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Faramir
24 experience points.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Igob's Cash. The lock resisted the hairpin, but not the
battleaxe! We're in. We helped ourselves to 1180 gold from the safe. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Deposit. It was all for nothing - Bilbo tried
to pick the lock, but failed. Dejected, we left.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Elrond
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Igob's Withdraw. We offered our thanks to Novala as the door
opened before us. Bilbo found the main safe ransacked. A smaller, hidden one did
provide 548 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Igob's Credits. The attempt was unsuccessful - The place was
guarded better than a dwarf's money belt! Bilbo had no chance, so we left.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are keen
on elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild displayed a lot of cordiality
as he served us. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now
increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were informed that Gyia is approximately 36
sectors to the southwest. During our visit we were told, "If you are travelling
between settlements and cannot think of anything to do, your party can always
practice with their weapons, or try to find new spell formulas".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild greeted us as we entered, then attended
to us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a
Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased
by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended to us. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo lacked the experience to benefit from the training.
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Mexbrille is nearly 4 days travel
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
P 0 -- Our priests purged worldly thoughts to commune with the gods. A dizzyness
came over Gloin who realised his powers have increased.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The gods are not displeased but more
prayer is needed.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The gods are not displeased but more
prayer is needed.
We're in Hurfleg. We slept in a barn, courtesy of a local. We consumed 7 rations and
then slept overnight. We regained 42 power points overnight. Our recruitment offer
attracted interest. The 5 applicants are shown below. To have any join us, do an X
order for each one. Don't forget it will cost you 2002 gold for each one. We heard
that you'll get these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24
gold and Lizard Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 32 45 49 52 0 153 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 44 38 37 59 0 224 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 240 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 42 30 66 77 0 576 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 68 55 91 27 0 101 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 47 65 45 50 0 25 65 (65)
Total cash = 4048 gold Rations = 37
17 elf mage Wizard (See Below) 43 30 47 41
22 elf mage Wizard 56 40 54 49
25 elf mage Wizard 46 41 57 46
28 elf mage Wizard 51 24 56 43
29 elf mage Wizard 43 33 64 42
Turn 12
The W orders continue. You'll start to get comments like this after targetting the same shops ' We found less than expected due to previous burglars. Only 752 gold was stolen.' The gold will go down each time but you'll still get XP. This resets after a while or you could move on to a new City. We're also starting to steal a few gems. some of these sell quite well. Best i've ever stolen is the 1000 gold Mortant Gem.
We accepted the best Elf Mage offered last turn. Tried for more with 1 nice 1 showing up but promised myself 40+ Health so 39 not quite good enough. Perhaps being overly strict here but only on Turn 12 so can keep trying.
You might have also noticed this comment 'Overnight, we were robbed of 659 gold. With so much gold to watch, we were an easy target for thieves.' Til now it wasn't a problem but now you've over 5k on the Group so the auto-thieves swarm in. You can bank some to keep it safe or just take the hit. Buying sleep service 604 also gives you about 50% chance of not being robbed. This is only in settlements not roaming the wilderness.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and Azog gained 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. There was no trouble breaking in. We
ransacked the place and liberated 1143 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points.
Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached
Iyplaleb's Gems. We levered open a side window, and were soon inside. Bilbo's
pockets are now lined with 1164 gold. We also got away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Faramir
gained 24 experience points.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Cash. It was easy getting in. We found less than expected due to
previous burglars. Only 752 gold was stolen. Bilbo gained 85 experience points.
Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Deposit. The burglary failed - Bilbo picked,
hit, bit, wrenched and even chewed at the lock, but it wouldn't budge. We couldn't
get in.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Elrond
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Convinced that all gold belongs
to us, we approached Igob's Withdraw in order to make a withdrawal. We levered open
a side window, and were soon inside. "Seems someone was here before us," said Bilbo.
We found 536 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Bilbo was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Igob's Credits. We offered our thanks to Novala as the door
opened before us. "Next time we rob at first dark," said Bilbo having robbed a
miserly 343 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
X 22 Saruman -- Saruman took 2002 gold from us. Saruman paid off the money
lender and has just 510 remaining. Our newest party member just arrived: Saruman the
elf mage and member number 8. Saruman is always on his guard.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
especially looking for elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild looked hungry for our gold.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Gyia is approximately 7
days southwest. The manager of Thieves Guild told us, "In general, the larger an
adventuring party, the tougher it is".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild was most effusive in his greeting.
Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief
Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Xanat is around about 12
sectors to the west.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 33 45 49 52 0 177 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 45 38 37 59 0 248 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 264 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 43 30 66 77 0 810 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 75 55 95 27 0 126 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 48 65 45 50 0 49 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 5335 gold Rations = 29
19 elf mage Wizard 42 41 53 57
22 elf mage Wizard 52 28 48 49
25 elf mage Wizard 55 25 63 57
26 elf mage Wizard 38 24 53 48
31 elf mage Wizard 54 39 69 48
Turn 13
Robs continue. Mage recruits offered not so good. We were robbed of 939 gold for carrying too much. Getting a few Chiro Gem that'll sell for 500 gold. More Thief Skill 614 training.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and Azog gained 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Gimli 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Chamaha's Gems. Easy. Bilbo picked the
lock in no time. We found less than expected due to previous burglars. Only 609 gold
was stolen. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Iyplaleb's Gems. There was no trouble breaking in. Even
though the place had already been turned over, we still got 844 gold. We also got
away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42
experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Igob's Cash. It was easy getting in. Bilbo found the main
safe ransacked. A smaller, hidden one did provide 530 gold. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Igob's Deposit. We blew it! - We
kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we did a runner.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Elrond gained
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached Igob's
Withdraw. The robbery didn't work - A guard dog heard us and started barking! We did
a runner.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Credits. Easy. Bilbo picked the lock in no time. Bilbo's searched
through the wreckage of a prior robbery and found 340 gold. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo carefully
sneaked up and located his money pouch. Bilbo managed to get away with 71 gold and
gained 60 experience.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
particularly interested in elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended
to us. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Gyia is roughly 7 days
southwest. The manager of Thieves Guild told us, "If you investigate your current
location while in a settlement, you have a chance of finding hidden shops and
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild dealt with us as if we were royalty. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Greenridge is
approximately 24 sectors to the south.
Standing orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but there was nothing strange spotted.
P 0 -- Our priests prayed for several hours. A faint glow appeared for a while.
P 0 -- Our priests prayed for several hours. No rewards this time. Perhaps next
time will be better.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. We were told "Continue on your path
and you will get your rewards".
We're in Hurfleg. We spent the night in town, sleeping rough. We consumed 8 rations
and then had a good night's rest. Our food will run out within 3 days, so we'd
better get to a food shop, or start looking for food in the wilderness using the I 0
order. Overnight, we were robbed of 939 gold. Thieves must like us, with so much
gold it must be like taking candy from a baby. We regained 48 power points
overnight. Our party went around, looking for recruits. New applicants statistics
are shown below for 5 candidates. To have any join us, do an X order for each one.
You will have to pay 2002 gold to each one that joins. We heard that you'll get
these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold and Lizard
Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 34 45 49 52 0 201 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 46 38 37 59 0 272 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 288 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 44 30 66 77 0 1002 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 77 55 98 27 0 126 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 49 65 45 50 0 73 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 6290 gold Rations = 21
22 elf mage Wizard 36 39 55 53
24 elf mage Wizard 41 32 62 37
27 elf mage Wizard 44 23 67 39
28 elf mage Wizard 42 25 55 38
29 elf mage Wizard 50 24 52 46
Turn 14
More miracles and robs. With nice Elf Mage offered (22).
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Azog 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and Gimli gained 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. The defences of Chamaha's Gems were
no match for Bilbo's skills, so in we went. Bilbo found the main safe ransacked. A
smaller, hidden one did provide 417 gold. We also got away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Iyplaleb's Gems. The robbery didn't work - We kicked boxes
over getting in. It made some noise, so we scarpered.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Cash. The defences of Igob's Cash
were no match for Bilbo's skills, so in we went. Many had already looted this
building. We only found 210 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained
42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Igob's Deposit. We failed to get in - Whoever made this lock
sure didn't want it to be picked! We walked away, ashamed and penniless.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Elrond.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala,
we tried to break into Igob's Withdraw. We failed to get in - Bilbo made a noise and
woke someone up. We scarpered.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Credits. It didn't work out -
"There wasn't anything of interest in there, anyway!" protested Bilbo.
S 5999 -- Bilbo was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Bilbo stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC but scarpered when he awoke. Bilbo returned, humbled and
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
particularly interested in elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild was pleased to meet us. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Greenridge is roughly
5 days south. The assistant kept us talking. We were told, "Library visits are often
the source of exciting adventures!"
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild dealt with us as if we were royalty. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo lacked the experience to benefit from the training.
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Xanat is around about 3 days travel
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but nothing unusual was discovered.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but found none of any special interest.
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. A faint glow appeared for a
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. We were told "Continue on your
path and you will get your rewards".
P 0 -- Our party's priests made many devotions. We got no answer this time. The
gods must be busy!
We're in Hurfleg. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we slept under a hedge. We
consumed 8 rations and then slept overnight. We have only enough food for 1 day, so
we'd better get to a food shop, or start looking for food in the wilderness using
the I 0 order. Overnight, we were robbed of 770 gold. With our pockets bulging with
so much gold, it was hardly surprising we were picked on by the settlement's low
life. Overnight, we regained 50 power points. Our offer seems to have aroused
interest. New applicants statistics are shown below for 5 candidates. Use an X order
to have any join. You must pay 2002 gold to each applicant you accept. We heard that
you'll get these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold
and Lizard Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 35 45 49 52 0 225 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 47 38 37 59 0 296 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 312 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 45 30 66 77 0 1110 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 78 55 99 27 0 96 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 97 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 5647 gold Rations = 13
17 elf mage Wizard 49 40 55 56
22 elf mage Wizard 56 43 54 52
26 elf mage Wizard 38 42 55 40
27 elf mage Wizard 58 34 60 39
30 elf mage Wizard 50 42 51 44
Turn 15
Accepted best recruit. Thief skill now at 80. should probably move on to new city for more rewarding W orders but stayed here instead with gold getting less and less. Priests and mages looking good. should expel the 31 Health mage at some point. Priests are still useful even though will eventually just keep 3 and 7 as they at least have 50 health.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24 experience
points for Azog.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Gloin gained
24 experience points.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Gimli 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala,
we tried to break into Chamaha's Gems. Bilbo scaled the side of the building and
climbed in through an open window. "Bloody thieves everywhere," whined Bilbo after
returning with only 251 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42
experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Iyplaleb's Gems. It went wrong - Whoever made this lock sure
didn't want it to be picked! We walked away, ashamed and penniless.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Igob's Cash. We failed to get in - We couldn't get into Igob's
Cash so came away with nothing.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When we saw the lights in Igob's
Deposit fade and the owner leave, we slowly approached. Our attempt to enter the
building failed - We kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we ran
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Elrond.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Withdraw. The rusty old lock crumbled in Bilbo's hands. We went in.
Bilbo's searched through the wreckage of a prior robbery and found 95 gold. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Bilbo was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Igob's Credits. We got into the place. "Is this it? Is this
bloody it? 133 gold for all my work," bitched Bilbo. Bilbo gained 85 experience
points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Bilbo crept up silently
on him and looted his backpack. Bilbo filched 89 gold and gained 75 experience.
X 22 Radagast -- We gave 2002 gold to Radagast. Radagast had to pay some bills.
Our newest party member just arrived: Radagast the elf mage and member number 9.
Radagast has eyes like a cat and reflexes as quick as a snake.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild displayed a lot of cordiality
as he served us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money
for a Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now
increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
gods! Rambling on like an old woman, the manager of Thieves Guild said to us, "The
battle reports found in newspapers, which can be bought from towns and cities, are a
good indication of how tough nearby monsters and parties are".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended to us.
Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief
Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Gyia is around about 7 days
travel southwest.
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we found nothing unusual.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but nothing unusual was discovered.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. The priests seemed to be
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. No rewards this time. Perhaps
next time will be better.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. Gimli
wonders if an impure thought caused the lack of response.
We're in Hurfleg. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we camped overnight. We
consumed 9 rations and then slept overnight. We've not enough food for tomorrow.
Overnight, we regained 52 power points. We heard that you'll get these prices from
the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold and Lizard Man Hides @ 21
gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 36 45 49 52 0 249 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 48 38 37 59 0 320 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 52 50 63 40 0 336 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 46 30 66 77 0 1260 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 80 55 102 27 0 26 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 121 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
9 Radagast EM-Wi M 56 43 54 52 0 0 43 (43)
Total cash = 3770 gold Rations = 4
Turn 16
More shop and NPC robs.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24 experience
points for Azog.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Gloin 24
experience points.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. We levered open a side window, and
were soon inside. Only 206 gold was found. We were not the first to visit this
establishment. We also stole a Chiro Gem. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond
gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Iyplaleb's Gems. We failed to get in
- We kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we got out of there.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached Igob's
Cash. It was easy getting in. Many had already looted this building. We only found
168 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Deposit. The burglary failed -
"There wasn't anything of interest in there, anyway!" protested Bilbo.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Elrond gained
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Withdraw. It was easy getting in. Only 100
gold was found. We were not the first to visit this establishment. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Igob's Credits. Bilbo scaled the
side of the building and climbed in through an open window. "86 bleedin' gold,"
complained Bilbo,"Is that all". Someone must have got there first. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo crept up
silently on him and robbed him blind! Bilbo managed to get away with 55 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo carefully
sneaked up and picked his pockets. Bilbo stole 39 gold and gained 65 experience.
S 5999 -- We despatched Bilbo to try and rob this NPC. Bilbo approached him
cautiously and robbed him blind! Bilbo stole 39 gold and gained 80 experience.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild was having a snack, which he
finished, then dealt with us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent
Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His
ability has now increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
While chatting in the shop we were told that Xanat is nearly 3 days west. Rabbiting
on, the manager of Thieves Guild's wife told us, "Moving slowly can make a big
difference to your success in discovering hidden shops and terrain features. Most
town thieves aren't interested in new groups, no matter what speed they are moving
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 37 45 49 52 0 273 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 49 38 37 59 0 344 37 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 53 50 63 40 0 360 47 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 47 30 66 77 0 1452 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 29 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 81 55 104 27 0 361 54 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 145 64 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
9 Radagast EM-Wi M 56 43 54 52 0 0 43 (43)
Total cash = 4208 gold Rations = 4
Now we start really robbing the place for thousands of gold and lots of XP. The Insanity miracle 603 resets the difficulty level between 2 W orders and also stops you getting expelled from the settlement. Although a simple Locate order will get you back in with no problem. 3 W orders worked bringing Party gold upto just over 4k. Plus we got offered a fairly decent Elf Mage with 50+ skill and 40 Health. Could wait for slightly higher Toughness/Health but what the hell will accept him next turn. And try for another.
You may also notice the 3rd B 99 0 614 order failed as didn't quite have enough XP (200) for it.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Azog 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Chamaha's Gems. We blew it! - Bilbo picked, hit, bit, wrenched
and even chewed at the lock, but it wouldn't budge. We couldn't get in.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Iyplaleb's Gems. We got into the place. Our eyes glittered at
the sight of 1744 gold. We also managed to steal an Azimure Gem. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Faramir
24 experience points.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Igob's Cash. The lock resisted the hairpin, but not the
battleaxe! We're in. We helped ourselves to 1180 gold from the safe. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Deposit. It was all for nothing - Bilbo tried
to pick the lock, but failed. Dejected, we left.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Elrond
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited until no one was about
then tried to enter Igob's Withdraw. We offered our thanks to Novala as the door
opened before us. Bilbo found the main safe ransacked. A smaller, hidden one did
provide 548 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Igob's Credits. The attempt was unsuccessful - The place was
guarded better than a dwarf's money belt! Bilbo had no chance, so we left.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are keen
on elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild displayed a lot of cordiality
as he served us. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now
increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were informed that Gyia is approximately 36
sectors to the southwest. During our visit we were told, "If you are travelling
between settlements and cannot think of anything to do, your party can always
practice with their weapons, or try to find new spell formulas".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild greeted us as we entered, then attended
to us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a
Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased
by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended to us. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo lacked the experience to benefit from the training.
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Mexbrille is nearly 4 days travel
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
P 0 -- Our priests purged worldly thoughts to commune with the gods. A dizzyness
came over Gloin who realised his powers have increased.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The gods are not displeased but more
prayer is needed.
P 0 -- Our priests communed with the gods. The gods are not displeased but more
prayer is needed.
We're in Hurfleg. We slept in a barn, courtesy of a local. We consumed 7 rations and
then slept overnight. We regained 42 power points overnight. Our recruitment offer
attracted interest. The 5 applicants are shown below. To have any join us, do an X
order for each one. Don't forget it will cost you 2002 gold for each one. We heard
that you'll get these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24
gold and Lizard Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 32 45 49 52 0 153 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 44 38 37 59 0 224 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 240 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 42 30 66 77 0 576 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 68 55 91 27 0 101 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 47 65 45 50 0 25 65 (65)
Total cash = 4048 gold Rations = 37
17 elf mage Wizard (See Below) 43 30 47 41
22 elf mage Wizard 56 40 54 49
25 elf mage Wizard 46 41 57 46
28 elf mage Wizard 51 24 56 43
29 elf mage Wizard 43 33 64 42
Turn 12
The W orders continue. You'll start to get comments like this after targetting the same shops ' We found less than expected due to previous burglars. Only 752 gold was stolen.' The gold will go down each time but you'll still get XP. This resets after a while or you could move on to a new City. We're also starting to steal a few gems. some of these sell quite well. Best i've ever stolen is the 1000 gold Mortant Gem.
We accepted the best Elf Mage offered last turn. Tried for more with 1 nice 1 showing up but promised myself 40+ Health so 39 not quite good enough. Perhaps being overly strict here but only on Turn 12 so can keep trying.
You might have also noticed this comment 'Overnight, we were robbed of 659 gold. With so much gold to watch, we were an easy target for thieves.' Til now it wasn't a problem but now you've over 5k on the Group so the auto-thieves swarm in. You can bank some to keep it safe or just take the hit. Buying sleep service 604 also gives you about 50% chance of not being robbed. This is only in settlements not roaming the wilderness.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and Azog gained 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. There was no trouble breaking in. We
ransacked the place and liberated 1143 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points.
Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached
Iyplaleb's Gems. We levered open a side window, and were soon inside. Bilbo's
pockets are now lined with 1164 gold. We also got away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Faramir
gained 24 experience points.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Cash. It was easy getting in. We found less than expected due to
previous burglars. Only 752 gold was stolen. Bilbo gained 85 experience points.
Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Deposit. The burglary failed - Bilbo picked,
hit, bit, wrenched and even chewed at the lock, but it wouldn't budge. We couldn't
get in.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Elrond
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Convinced that all gold belongs
to us, we approached Igob's Withdraw in order to make a withdrawal. We levered open
a side window, and were soon inside. "Seems someone was here before us," said Bilbo.
We found 536 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Bilbo was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Igob's Credits. We offered our thanks to Novala as the door
opened before us. "Next time we rob at first dark," said Bilbo having robbed a
miserly 343 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience
X 22 Saruman -- Saruman took 2002 gold from us. Saruman paid off the money
lender and has just 510 remaining. Our newest party member just arrived: Saruman the
elf mage and member number 8. Saruman is always on his guard.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
especially looking for elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild looked hungry for our gold.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Gyia is approximately 7
days southwest. The manager of Thieves Guild told us, "In general, the larger an
adventuring party, the tougher it is".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild was most effusive in his greeting.
Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief
Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were told that Xanat is around about 12
sectors to the west.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 33 45 49 52 0 177 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 45 38 37 59 0 248 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 264 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 43 30 66 77 0 810 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 75 55 95 27 0 126 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 48 65 45 50 0 49 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 5335 gold Rations = 29
19 elf mage Wizard 42 41 53 57
22 elf mage Wizard 52 28 48 49
25 elf mage Wizard 55 25 63 57
26 elf mage Wizard 38 24 53 48
31 elf mage Wizard 54 39 69 48
Turn 13
Robs continue. Mage recruits offered not so good. We were robbed of 939 gold for carrying too much. Getting a few Chiro Gem that'll sell for 500 gold. More Thief Skill 614 training.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and Azog gained 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Gimli 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Chamaha's Gems. Easy. Bilbo picked the
lock in no time. We found less than expected due to previous burglars. Only 609 gold
was stolen. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Iyplaleb's Gems. There was no trouble breaking in. Even
though the place had already been turned over, we still got 844 gold. We also got
away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42
experience points.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Igob's Cash. It was easy getting in. Bilbo found the main
safe ransacked. A smaller, hidden one did provide 530 gold. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Igob's Deposit. We blew it! - We
kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we did a runner.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Elrond gained
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached Igob's
Withdraw. The robbery didn't work - A guard dog heard us and started barking! We did
a runner.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Credits. Easy. Bilbo picked the lock in no time. Bilbo's searched
through the wreckage of a prior robbery and found 340 gold. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo carefully
sneaked up and located his money pouch. Bilbo managed to get away with 71 gold and
gained 60 experience.
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
particularly interested in elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We surveyed all the shops and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended
to us. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Gyia is roughly 7 days
southwest. The manager of Thieves Guild told us, "If you investigate your current
location while in a settlement, you have a chance of finding hidden shops and
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild dealt with us as if we were royalty. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Greenridge is
approximately 24 sectors to the south.
Standing orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we didn't see anything strange.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but there was nothing strange spotted.
P 0 -- Our priests prayed for several hours. A faint glow appeared for a while.
P 0 -- Our priests prayed for several hours. No rewards this time. Perhaps next
time will be better.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. We were told "Continue on your path
and you will get your rewards".
We're in Hurfleg. We spent the night in town, sleeping rough. We consumed 8 rations
and then had a good night's rest. Our food will run out within 3 days, so we'd
better get to a food shop, or start looking for food in the wilderness using the I 0
order. Overnight, we were robbed of 939 gold. Thieves must like us, with so much
gold it must be like taking candy from a baby. We regained 48 power points
overnight. Our party went around, looking for recruits. New applicants statistics
are shown below for 5 candidates. To have any join us, do an X order for each one.
You will have to pay 2002 gold to each one that joins. We heard that you'll get
these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold and Lizard
Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 34 45 49 52 0 201 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 46 38 37 59 0 272 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 288 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 44 30 66 77 0 1002 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 77 55 98 27 0 126 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 49 65 45 50 0 73 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 6290 gold Rations = 21
22 elf mage Wizard 36 39 55 53
24 elf mage Wizard 41 32 62 37
27 elf mage Wizard 44 23 67 39
28 elf mage Wizard 42 25 55 38
29 elf mage Wizard 50 24 52 46
Turn 14
More miracles and robs. With nice Elf Mage offered (22).
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Azog 24
experience points.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Gloin.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and Gimli gained 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. The defences of Chamaha's Gems were
no match for Bilbo's skills, so in we went. Bilbo found the main safe ransacked. A
smaller, hidden one did provide 417 gold. We also got away with a Chiro Gem. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Iyplaleb's Gems. The robbery didn't work - We kicked boxes
over getting in. It made some noise, so we scarpered.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Cash. The defences of Igob's Cash
were no match for Bilbo's skills, so in we went. Many had already looted this
building. We only found 210 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained
42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After it went quiet, we
cautiously approached Igob's Deposit. We failed to get in - Whoever made this lock
sure didn't want it to be picked! We walked away, ashamed and penniless.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Elrond.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala,
we tried to break into Igob's Withdraw. We failed to get in - Bilbo made a noise and
woke someone up. We scarpered.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Credits. It didn't work out -
"There wasn't anything of interest in there, anyway!" protested Bilbo.
S 5999 -- Bilbo was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Bilbo stealthily advanced
towards the sleeping NPC but scarpered when he awoke. Bilbo returned, humbled and
J 6 2002 -- Our party went around town, offering 2002 for recruits, and are
particularly interested in elf mages.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild was pleased to meet us. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a point.
and Bilbo now seems more alert.
As a result of our chatting in the shop we were informed that Greenridge is roughly
5 days south. The assistant kept us talking. We were told, "Library visits are often
the source of exciting adventures!"
B 6 0 614 -- We looked around town and found what we were looking for in shop
number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild dealt with us as if we were royalty. Bilbo
couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill.
Bilbo lacked the experience to benefit from the training.
While chatting in the shop we were informed that Xanat is around about 3 days travel
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but nothing unusual was discovered.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but found none of any special interest.
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. A faint glow appeared for a
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. We were told "Continue on your
path and you will get your rewards".
P 0 -- Our party's priests made many devotions. We got no answer this time. The
gods must be busy!
We're in Hurfleg. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we slept under a hedge. We
consumed 8 rations and then slept overnight. We have only enough food for 1 day, so
we'd better get to a food shop, or start looking for food in the wilderness using
the I 0 order. Overnight, we were robbed of 770 gold. With our pockets bulging with
so much gold, it was hardly surprising we were picked on by the settlement's low
life. Overnight, we regained 50 power points. Our offer seems to have aroused
interest. New applicants statistics are shown below for 5 candidates. Use an X order
to have any join. You must pay 2002 gold to each applicant you accept. We heard that
you'll get these prices from the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold
and Lizard Man Hides @ 21 gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 35 45 49 52 0 225 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 47 38 37 59 0 296 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 51 50 63 40 0 312 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 45 30 66 77 0 1110 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 78 55 99 27 0 96 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 97 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
Total cash = 5647 gold Rations = 13
17 elf mage Wizard 49 40 55 56
22 elf mage Wizard 56 43 54 52
26 elf mage Wizard 38 42 55 40
27 elf mage Wizard 58 34 60 39
30 elf mage Wizard 50 42 51 44
Turn 15
Accepted best recruit. Thief skill now at 80. should probably move on to new city for more rewarding W orders but stayed here instead with gold getting less and less. Priests and mages looking good. should expel the 31 Health mage at some point. Priests are still useful even though will eventually just keep 3 and 7 as they at least have 50 health.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24 experience
points for Azog.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Gloin gained
24 experience points.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gave Gimli 24 experience points.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After a quick prayer to Novala,
we tried to break into Chamaha's Gems. Bilbo scaled the side of the building and
climbed in through an open window. "Bloody thieves everywhere," whined Bilbo after
returning with only 251 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42
experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After we made sure it was quiet,
we carefully approached Iyplaleb's Gems. It went wrong - Whoever made this lock sure
didn't want it to be picked! We walked away, ashamed and penniless.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Once everything went quiet we
silently approached Igob's Cash. We failed to get in - We couldn't get into Igob's
Cash so came away with nothing.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When we saw the lights in Igob's
Deposit fade and the owner leave, we slowly approached. Our attempt to enter the
building failed - We kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we ran
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Elrond.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. When it was clear, we tried to
get into Igob's Withdraw. The rusty old lock crumbled in Bilbo's hands. We went in.
Bilbo's searched through the wreckage of a prior robbery and found 95 gold. Bilbo
gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Bilbo was feeling lucky, so we
tried to break into Igob's Credits. We got into the place. "Is this it? Is this
bloody it? 133 gold for all my work," bitched Bilbo. Bilbo gained 85 experience
points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo was sent to try to steal from this NPC. Bilbo crept up silently
on him and looted his backpack. Bilbo filched 89 gold and gained 75 experience.
X 22 Radagast -- We gave 2002 gold to Radagast. Radagast had to pay some bills.
Our newest party member just arrived: Radagast the elf mage and member number 9.
Radagast has eyes like a cat and reflexes as quick as a snake.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild displayed a lot of cordiality
as he served us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money
for a Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now
increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Baldor is one of the eight
gods! Rambling on like an old woman, the manager of Thieves Guild said to us, "The
battle reports found in newspapers, which can be bought from towns and cities, are a
good indication of how tough nearby monsters and parties are".
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. The manager of Thieves Guild sent an assistant, who attended to us.
Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent Bilbo the money for a Thief
Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His ability has now increased by a
point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
During our conversation in the shop we were told that Gyia is around about 7 days
travel southwest.
Standing Orders
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but we found nothing unusual.
I 0 -- Hurfleg was devoid of any other adventuring parties. We looked around some
of the shops but nothing unusual was discovered.
P 0 -- Our priests meditated for a long time. The priests seemed to be
P 0 -- Our priests started up a religious service. No rewards this time. Perhaps
next time will be better.
P 0 -- Our party rested while the priests sought spiritual enlightenment. Gimli
wonders if an impure thought caused the lack of response.
We're in Hurfleg. We're too cheap to pay for an inn, so we camped overnight. We
consumed 9 rations and then slept overnight. We've not enough food for tomorrow.
Overnight, we regained 52 power points. We heard that you'll get these prices from
the city officials of Hurfleg(18): Orc Hides @ 24 gold and Lizard Man Hides @ 21
gold each.
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 36 45 49 52 0 249 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 48 38 37 59 0 320 38 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 52 50 63 40 0 336 50 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 46 30 66 77 0 1260 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 31 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 80 55 102 27 0 26 55 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 121 65 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
9 Radagast EM-Wi M 56 43 54 52 0 0 43 (43)
Total cash = 3770 gold Rations = 4
Turn 16
More shop and NPC robs.
C 3 903 99 -- A spirit aligned to Novala appeared and agreed to help our party
for the rest of the turn. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24 experience
points for Azog.
C 7 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gave Gloin 24
experience points.
C 1 703 99 -- Our party became invisible for a while. This spell cost 12 power
points and gained 24 experience points for Gimli.
W 44 -- We realised that shop 44 is in the west side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Chamaha's Gems. We levered open a side window, and
were soon inside. Only 206 gold was found. We were not the first to visit this
establishment. We also stole a Chiro Gem. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond
gained 42 experience points.
W 45 -- We realised that shop 45 is in the centre of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Iyplaleb's Gems. We failed to get in
- We kicked boxes over getting in. It made some noise, so we got out of there.
C 2 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and gained 24
experience points for Faramir.
W 35 -- We realised that shop 35 is in the north side of the city. We visited the
shop there. We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After dark, we approached Igob's
Cash. It was easy getting in. Many had already looted this building. We only found
168 gold. Bilbo gained 85 experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 36 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. After the owner had closed the
building and left, we made tracks towards Igob's Deposit. The burglary failed -
"There wasn't anything of interest in there, anyway!" protested Bilbo.
C 4 603 99 -- Several townsfolk ran riot, causing chaos everywhere, by looting
shops and killing fellow citizens. This spell cost 12 power points and Elrond gained
24 experience points.
W 37 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. Hugging the shadows, we
stealthily made our way towards Igob's Withdraw. It was easy getting in. Only 100
gold was found. We were not the first to visit this establishment. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
W 38 -- We sent Bilbo, with Elrond as look out. We waited for the dark of night
before pitting our wits against the defences of Igob's Credits. Bilbo scaled the
side of the building and climbed in through an open window. "86 bleedin' gold,"
complained Bilbo,"Is that all". Someone must have got there first. Bilbo gained 85
experience points. Elrond gained 42 experience points.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo crept up
silently on him and robbed him blind! Bilbo managed to get away with 55 gold and
gained 50 experience.
S 5999 -- Bilbo volunteered to attempt stealing from this NPC. Bilbo carefully
sneaked up and picked his pockets. Bilbo stole 39 gold and gained 65 experience.
S 5999 -- We despatched Bilbo to try and rob this NPC. Bilbo approached him
cautiously and robbed him blind! Bilbo stole 39 gold and gained 80 experience.
B 6 0 614 -- We searched the entire town and found what we were looking for in
shop number 30. We realised that shop 30 is in the south side of the city. We
visited the shop there. The manager of Thieves Guild was having a snack, which he
finished, then dealt with us. Bilbo couldn't afford a Thief Skill. Our party lent
Bilbo the money for a Thief Skill. Bilbo's experience has served him well. His
ability has now increased by a point. and Bilbo now seems more alert.
While chatting in the shop we were told that Xanat is nearly 3 days west. Rabbiting
on, the manager of Thieves Guild's wife told us, "Moving slowly can make a big
difference to your success in discovering hidden shops and terrain features. Most
town thieves aren't interested in new groups, no matter what speed they are moving
1 Gimli DP-Cl M 37 45 49 52 0 273 45 (45)
2 Faramir HP-Cl M 49 38 37 59 0 344 37 (38)
3 Azog BP-Cl M 53 50 63 40 0 360 47 (50)
4 Elrond EP-Cl M 47 30 66 77 0 1452 30 (30)
5 Gandalf EM-Wi M 46 31 46 57 0 0 29 (31)
6 Bilbo BT-Ro M 81 55 104 27 0 361 54 (55)
7 Gloin DP-Cl M 50 65 45 50 0 145 64 (65)
8 Saruman EM-Wi M 56 40 54 49 0 0 40 (40)
9 Radagast EM-Wi M 56 43 54 52 0 0 43 (43)
Total cash = 4208 gold Rations = 4