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KJC Games Quest




Quest is a great fantasy adventure through a world of powerful gods, strange magic and dream cities, of mystical beasts guarding untold treasures. Take up your spellbooks and sword and begin your Quest.

You begin the game with 6 newly trained characters and can add 9 more through recruiting. Mixing in Fighters, Clerics, Mages and Rogues as you like. Improving their stats through training and battle.

G31 is 1 turn per week and can be played by email or post for £2.20.

G33 is 2 Turns per week and can be played by email for £1.10 or Post for £2.20.

Both of these also have a bonus catchup Turn for every 2 normal ones. So G31 gives you 3 Turns per fortnight. And G33 has 3 Turns per week. It's completely upto you what you use though.

G19 demo is free for 20 turns then you can transfer over to G20. Turns here are processed every few minutes all day long barring system crashes of course. Pricing options are as follows:

£2.00 for 10 turns
£5.00 for 40 turns
£10 for 7 days (168 hours) unlimited turns*
£30 for 31 days (744 hours) unlimited turns*

You must have money in your KJC account to pay for your Quest Online turns.

*With options 3 and 4, if for any reason the service stops, e.g. our Internet link goes down, your game clock stops and only restarts when service resumes.

Here's some info on the games Races and Classes/sub-Classes.

Dwarfs are the slowest to reach melee range (slowest combat-move-time), but have the highest hit speed (highest combat-hit-time). They have bonuses in Fighter Skill and Toughness/Health. They also have the highest base Flee Factor of all the Races.
Dwarfs are not very good with daggers, bows or polearms.
Dwarfs are good with crossbows, axes, warhammers and maces.
Dwarfs can be Archers, Footmen, Berserkers, Gladiators, Brawlers, Scouts, Paladins and Battle-Wizards.

Humans have a faster combat-move-speed than dwarfs, but have a slower hit speed.
Humans are generally all-rounders with weapons, but are quite decent with flails.
Humans can be Archers, Footmen, Berserkers, Peasants, Gladiators, Knights, Brawlers, Scouts, Paladins and Battle-Wizards.

Halfbloods have a faster combat-move-speed than humans, but have a slower hit speed. They have bonuses in Thief Skill, Awareness and Toughness/Health.
Halfbloods are good with pole-arms, daggers, bows and crossbows, and exceptional with slings.
Halfbloods can be Archers, Footmen, Berserkers, Peasants, Gladiators, Brawlers, Scouts, Paladins and Battle-Wizards.

Elves have the fastest combat-move-speed in the game, but have the slowest hit speed. They have bonuses in Mage Skill and Awareness. And a penalty in Toughness/Health.
Elves are good with daggers and swords and exceptional with bows.
Elves can be Archers, Footmen, Gladiators, Knights, Brawlers, Scouts, Paladins and Battle-Wizards.

Note: Professions/Specialty types are never offered to a group younger than 20 turns old in Quest Unlimited G20/19. Or Turn 5 in the other game worlds like G31/33. So all recruited Fighters will be Warriors, all Priests will be Clerics, all Thieves will be Rogues and all Mages will be Wizards 'til this stage.

FIGHTER - Warrior
The warrior has apprenticed to men at arms from early childhood. Generally from skivvying to preparing meals they have built up both stamina and certain tolerance for taking orders. They are not affected much by armour, and have an increased natural resistance to all types of physical damage. They are generally good with all weapons although up until their adventuring career they have not had any real experience.
Warriors can be any race, and can be recruited in any settlement.

Archers are missile specialists. They get a speed bonus with missile weapons, a damage bonus with missile weapons, and skilled archers gain some armour-penetration with their shots.
Archers can be any race, and can be recruited in towns or villages.

Footmen are melee specialists. They get a speed bonus with melee weapons, a damage bonus with melee weapons, and are hardly affected at all by armour slowdown (they can wear plate with little speed difference to wearing cloth). Skilled footmen gain some armour penetration with melee hits.
Footmen can be any race, and can be recruited in cities or towns.

Berserkers have the fastest combat-move-speed of any type - they will reach melee range faster than any other class. They have a good melee damage bonus. They are very badly affected by heavier armours. They cannot be resurrected.
Berserkers can be Dwarfs, Humans or Halfbloods, and can only be recruited in villages.

Peasants are required to recruit knights (you only need 1 peasant for the maximum 3 knights). Peasants are average fighters, but get a speed bonus using polearms. Rumour has it that a lot of the huge swallowing type monsters like Dragons and Giants prefer the taste of this sub-class to any other though this is impossible to prove.
Peasants can be Humans or Halfbloods, and can only be recruited in villages.

Gladiators have the highest melee damage of any type, but are badly affected by armours and are not particularly fast at reaching melee range. They cannot be resurrected.
Gladiators can be any race, and can only be recruited in cities.

Knights require a peasant to be recruited, and you are limited to 3 knights. Knights have a high melee damage bonus, and are the least encumbered of any class by heavy armours. Skilled knights gain some armour penetration with melee hits.
Knights are trained to fight and this they do better than any others. They will insist that any party that wishes to recruit them is not cowardly. Thus they will only join parties that are not 'NA' Status, nor will they join a party with a Flee Factor of less than 60%. They detest thieves and will never adventure in their company though they will accept a Scout. Only the elite of society ever rise to the lofty heights of knighthood. It is therefore hardly surprising that they need a servant to fetch, carry and cook and clean their weapons for them. As such any party that would recruit a knight must make certain that a peasant is also present. Should your knight's servant meet an untimely end and is lost or buried, your next new recruit must be a peasant to replace him. While only three knights will ever band together, a single peasant will be enough to cater for all their needs. Long years of training means that even the heaviest of armours are little bother to them while their skill at arms allows them to strike lethal strikes with precision.
Knights can be Human or Elf, and can only be recruited in cities. Knights will not join a No-Attack party.

Brawlers are bare-hand specialists. They require no weapon and so require less "gearing up" than any other character, but they rely on their prime skill to be very effective. They are extremely fast (the fastest melee hitters when bare-handed), and heavier armours do not affect them too badly. Highly skilled brawlers can hit "enchanted" monsters without needing any enchant weapons equivalent, and can gain some armour penetration.
Brawlers can be any race, and can be recruited in any settlement.

THIEF - Rogue
A life of poverty has turned many of nimbler build into rogues. Rogues are opportunists by nature. They have fairly good skills at breaking and entering and even thieving from other groups but have also developed a skill for fighting as well. Living by their wits and often fleeing fast through cities after a surprise attack has meant that they have never had time for heavy armour and as such are encumbered by it.

Pickpockets live by their wits, having usually spent a lifetime stealing and avoiding capture. Due to the dexterity required to carry out their trade they avoid most armours, many preferring to wear nothing more than cloth armour. They are not very good in combat and most run away from it at the first sign of danger. Their own friends tend to distrust them as their opportunistic nature annoys others too much. Even priests refuse to resurrect pickpockets. All this is offset by their amazing skill at robbing, which is why many parties choose to recruit them.

Scouts are a thief type. Scouts gain a damage bonus when using missile weapons. Highly skilled scouts can reveal otherwise invisible/hidden monsters on the map, and give detailed info on the makeup of monster groups - with higher skills detailing more groups.
Scouts can be any race, and can be recruited in any settlement.

PRIEST - Cleric
Clerics are trained in the worship of the entire pantheon. Many clerics will tend to favour a single god for a short time in order to cury favour or power but invariably they will drift between the various deities. As such they will never achieve the spiritual oneness that is needed to enter the temple of a specific god as an initiate. Due to the rigours of the faithful they have learnt to use some of the more common armours such as chain mail without overly slowing themselves down.

Paladins are a priest type. Paladins are largely unaffected by heavier armours, and have a higher combat-cast-speed than normal priests. Paladins require an alignment to a warlike god (2-3-4), and cannot be resurrected.
Paladins can be any race, and can be recruited in any settlement. Paladins will not join a No-Attack party.

MAGE - Wizard
Wizards are wandering mages that have invariably become bored with long studies and stuffy towers. They have a certain talent with the basics of magic and are able to shape the natural forces in the world through chanting and the use of special compounds. They have however sacrificed power for versatility and while some of their spells are devastating, they lack the finesse of the specialist mages. Long years of book work and the wearing of little more than fancy robes has meant that they have never developed a taste for the wearing of armour. Even after many adventures on the road, they are still heavily slowed by all but the lightest armours.

Battle-wizards are a mage type. Battle-wizards are largely unaffected by heavier armours, and have a higher combat-cast-speed than normal mages. Battle-wizards cannot cast higher level spells.
Battle-wizards can be any race, and can be recruited in any settlement.

Sorry somehow seem to have initially posted this in the Galac-Tac thread. Deleted that and moved it here. Sorry again.

Messages In This Thread
KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-11-2022, 08:50 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 10:06 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 11:11 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 12:22 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 01:05 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 08-28-2022, 01:53 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 04:29 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 08:34 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 09:30 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 09:55 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:02 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:30 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 10:50 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 11:05 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-04-2022, 11:25 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-11-2022, 09:20 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-13-2022, 03:58 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-18-2022, 10:09 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 09-25-2022, 09:04 AM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 10-22-2022, 08:07 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 11-01-2022, 02:59 PM
RE: KJC Games Quest - by TVMike - 11-08-2022, 10:12 PM

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