08-05-2022, 11:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 09:22 PM by GrimFinger.)
Well, even though I did a fresh from scratch installation of the forum software, and even though it is the last version of the software, even still, over the last few days I have taken notice of certain "problems" that seem to have decided to rear their ugly little heads. Some others have raised the specter of certain of these problems, also. I'll try to get to them, when I can. Some I have already tried to bring remedy to, but my own technical expertise in software matters is always limited, at best. Bear with me, if you will, for I still trudge across the Unending Desert of Problems Without End.
1. There was a problem with when you read new messages, the forum would keep on leaving them marked as unread.
2. The Online Today mod, that think that would list the avatars of forum users that had been online here in the last 24 hours installed flawlessly. It was working like a charm. Then, in the middle of late last night, in the midst of having a zillion and three web browser tabs opened, at some point along that log and lonely journey through the darkness, I happened to notice all of a sudden like that the forum wasn't displaying them, anymore. What the dickens?
Is it frustrating? Sure it is. However, when quick searches for the underlying problem(s) don't bring resolution to such problems, whether these or others that crop up along the way, I kind of have to take it in stride. I am simply trying to juggle a lot of balls, and each of those balls consumes a certain portion of my time. It would be nice if I could master the art of getting it all done yesterday, but for me, that's still a work in progress.
Basically, I tend to approach most of my general PBM activities, such as what I do here with this forum, on a zero-budget basis. There are learning curves associated with virtually everything that I have encountered - and especially where software problems arise out of nowhere and attack me like the walking dead, when I least expect them.
Over the years, I've actually had pretty good luck, overall, using MyBB forum software. The biggest headaches that I have experiences over time with it have mostly been of the self-inflicted variety. Hey, it's how one learns, right? I did ponder installing SMF forum software, this time around. If you don't believe me, then just go here. I don't know, first-hand, that SMF forum software is better than MyBB software, but one thing that I do know with absolute certainty is that I have vastly more experience with MyBB and its occasional quirks than I have with SMF (which, by comparison, is virtually none). So, ultimately, what with everything else that I'm doing gobbling huge chunks of my time, which is only exacerbated by me trying to keep adding additional balls into the mix on top of all of the current ones which I have not done such a good job of juggling, I seem to have ended up going with the lesser of two evils. For my experience with MyBB forum software has some value to me, even if perhaps others may have went with a different type of forum software, this time around. Anyone who knows anything about forum software at all, though, likely knows that all forum software products are always releasing the occasional new updates. Every kind of forum software that I have used, that has certainly been the case. Some forum software types are expensive, yet others are free. At the end of the day, one must make a choice - a choice from a parade of imperfect contenders. So now you know. . .the rest of the story, much as Paul Harvey might, back in the day.
Even writing this attempt at an explanation and awareness raising required time, in order to be accomplished. Hopefully, you'll still find this PBM Gaming Forum to be of soem use, whether now or at some point in the not-too-distant future.
Happy gaming!
1. There was a problem with when you read new messages, the forum would keep on leaving them marked as unread.
2. The Online Today mod, that think that would list the avatars of forum users that had been online here in the last 24 hours installed flawlessly. It was working like a charm. Then, in the middle of late last night, in the midst of having a zillion and three web browser tabs opened, at some point along that log and lonely journey through the darkness, I happened to notice all of a sudden like that the forum wasn't displaying them, anymore. What the dickens?
Is it frustrating? Sure it is. However, when quick searches for the underlying problem(s) don't bring resolution to such problems, whether these or others that crop up along the way, I kind of have to take it in stride. I am simply trying to juggle a lot of balls, and each of those balls consumes a certain portion of my time. It would be nice if I could master the art of getting it all done yesterday, but for me, that's still a work in progress.
Basically, I tend to approach most of my general PBM activities, such as what I do here with this forum, on a zero-budget basis. There are learning curves associated with virtually everything that I have encountered - and especially where software problems arise out of nowhere and attack me like the walking dead, when I least expect them.
Over the years, I've actually had pretty good luck, overall, using MyBB forum software. The biggest headaches that I have experiences over time with it have mostly been of the self-inflicted variety. Hey, it's how one learns, right? I did ponder installing SMF forum software, this time around. If you don't believe me, then just go here. I don't know, first-hand, that SMF forum software is better than MyBB software, but one thing that I do know with absolute certainty is that I have vastly more experience with MyBB and its occasional quirks than I have with SMF (which, by comparison, is virtually none). So, ultimately, what with everything else that I'm doing gobbling huge chunks of my time, which is only exacerbated by me trying to keep adding additional balls into the mix on top of all of the current ones which I have not done such a good job of juggling, I seem to have ended up going with the lesser of two evils. For my experience with MyBB forum software has some value to me, even if perhaps others may have went with a different type of forum software, this time around. Anyone who knows anything about forum software at all, though, likely knows that all forum software products are always releasing the occasional new updates. Every kind of forum software that I have used, that has certainly been the case. Some forum software types are expensive, yet others are free. At the end of the day, one must make a choice - a choice from a parade of imperfect contenders. So now you know. . .the rest of the story, much as Paul Harvey might, back in the day.
Even writing this attempt at an explanation and awareness raising required time, in order to be accomplished. Hopefully, you'll still find this PBM Gaming Forum to be of soem use, whether now or at some point in the not-too-distant future.
Happy gaming!